Faith of our Fathers | Layton Utah Temple Documentary

Faith of our Fathers | Layton Utah Temple Documentary


The history of the Layton Utah Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is a view into the history of the church as a whole. It represents the faith and love of generations of Latter-Day Saints who have diligently loved and served the Lord. This temple, as do all others, stands as a tribute to generations of pioneers and represent the truth of God’s work.

Temples are built and used by members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to perform God’s sacred work of connecting families across the ages and through all eternity, thus fulfilling God’s command and purpose for his children.

Produced at the request of the Layton Holms Creek Stake Presidency, this short documentary highlights the history and construction of the Layton Utah Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and is shared here as a public service. Footage and music used in this film are either original content, from the public domain, or from the Church website and used with permission.

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