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The new temple recommend interview questions: What exactly has changed?

President Russell M. Nelson of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints continued his fervent focus on improving the faith’s temple worship Sunday at the concluding session of the 189th Semiannual General Conference. He read an updated list of questions Church members will be asked when receiving a temple recommend. The new questions are below. Temple recommend questions have been periodically clarified or adjusted to meet the needs and circumstances of God’s children. These current updates clarify, but do not change, worthiness requirements to enter a temple.
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Jordan river temple

An app for temple recommends? Now on an iOS device near you.

Tracking worthiness is hard. And very subjective. Many people say their palms get sweaty when they think of their upcoming meeting with a member of the bishopric to renew their temple recommend. How can you set goals for yourself and also feel confident and good when entering the room to declare your worthiness?
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Replicas of danish sculptor bertel thorvaldsens christus and 12 apostles How a replica of a Danish artist's statue, which was quarried from stone in Carrara, Italy, was replicated for Temple Square in Salt Lake City, Utah, and how new replicas of the Christus and statues of the Twelve Apostles were created for a new visitors' center at the Rome Italy Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Mormon LDS

VIDEO: A quick history of the Christus statue and how it came to be in Salt Lake City and Rome (credit Deseret News)

How a replica of a Danish artist’s statue, which was quarried from stone in Carrara, Italy, was replicated for Temple Square in Salt Lake City, Utah, and how new replicas of the Christus and statues of the Twelve Apostles were created for a new visitors’ center at the Rome Italy Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
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