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Special 911 First Responders at Ground Zero: (Back and White Photos) Book #NeverForget #NeverForget911

First responders were not prepared for the horrific scene of death and destruction that awaited them. This is the story of those first responders during the first hours after the attack on 9-11. Their stories helped to re-shape the training and preparations today’s first responders receive to be better prepared for the challenges that may one day come.
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Being filled by a tiny bite of bread and a few drops of water

After you break your fast today, ask yourself: which meal was more filling? The generous portions of green bean casserole your wife made? Or the bite of bread and few drops of water you had earlier today when you partook of the Lord’s Supper? In today’s Power in the Book of Mormon post, a “fast thought” about being filled by the Sacrament.
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