In these uncertain times, we find ourselves in a new era – an era of working from home and social distancing. As we stay at home to contribute to the greater good, we have an opportunity to invest in ourselves, learn new concepts, build new skills, and ready ourselves to build a better future.
ESSENTIALISM by Greg McKeown is a great book that shows not only how you can streamline your life, but also suggests some tips and tricks on parenting.
After visiting the actual Walden, I read Thoreau’s book of the same name, in which he says, “To a philosopher, all news, as it is called, is gossip, and they…
THE PROBLEM AND THE SOLUTION You can install an internet filter on your family computer. But that’s not going to affect your kid’s iPod. Or your exchange student’s tablet. Or…
Some time ago I was asked to create a website where Church youth could register for Stake activities. Our Stake takes part in a regional youth Prom where several Stakes…
This will only take you $25 (or less) and 2hrs time (or less), and save you potentially hundreds or even thousands of dollars over the years, vs paying for backup…
Cool Links are stuff you might find interesting, but either weren’t worthy of their own article (others have already covered it), or I didn’t have time to get to it.
If you haven’t yet discovered Chrome’s User Accounts feature, it’s about time. User accounts uses your Google (Gmail, YouTube, Google Apps, etc) account to sync all your extensions (plugins), bookmarks,…
Many LDS people who’ve visited the Holy Land will tell you that it deepened their understanding of the the scriptures in a big way. Being able to walk the same…