Cool Links are stuff you might find interesting, but either weren’t worthy of their own article (others have already covered it), or I didn’t have time to get to it. Here’s some for August 2012:
- Create an automatic journal in EvernoteΒ from Calendar events, Facebook status, & Instagram photos, using this guide from Lifehacker.
- Richard & Linda Eyre are well-known LDS experts on parenting, families, and more. They’re offering many of their books free in PDF format, with $2 Kindle versions and $5 paperback versions.
- Household Hacker is a YouTube channel with lots of great tips for around the house in really short videos.
- Forgotten Books is a great source for out of print (and copyright) books. They have over a million books. You get the first 50 for free. After that there’s a subscription involved.
- “Mormons in America” is a special event that aired previously–did you see it?
- Get a free education using these 200 free online resources posted by Jonathan Chung on Google+.
Do you find any of these cool or helpful? How will you use them?