By Common Consent Launches “Church-Hacker” Series


Kyle M at the LDS blog By Common Consent has launched a new series of “church-hacker” articles. He describes their purpose like this:

…it’s basically Lifehacker, but for church. Each week, we’ll post an idea that you can try in your ward or calling to make the meeting block more engaging, more spiritual, or even more fun.

Kyle setup some ground rules for the “church-hacks” including that they can’t go against the guidelines in the Church Handbook, and they don’t have to be proven (just an idea is fine). He also invites anyone to email if they have church-hack of their own. Of-course we’re super excited to see other blogs doing similar things to MLH. So if you have any church-specific hacks, feel free to email them (and/or you can always submit them to MLH).

Guest Professional

For a first church-hack, Kyle shared how in their ward on the 3rd Sunday of each month, they combine the Young Men & Young Women and invite someone in the ward to speak on “faith and career” with encouragement to focus on what they’ve learned spiritually through their chosen career.

Let us know what you think of this new series and this specific church-hack below, or join the conversation on the original article at By Common Consent.

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