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A curious teenage boy, a few big questions, and a quiet grove of trees…


This is where it all started.

A curious teenage boy, a few big questions, and a quiet grove of trees.

We’ve just started studying the Doctrine and Covenants in Cone Follow Me, but before diving deeper, we’re going to take a short detour into the Pearl of Great Price.

We’ll study Joseph’s own story of the First Vision, his visits from the angel Moroni, the translation of the Book of Mormon, and other key events that happened before the Doctrine and Covenants was revealed. These experiences help us understand the amazing background behind the revelations.

As you read, try to see yourself in Joseph’s shoes.

Have you ever felt unsure about your beliefs? Do you have family members with different religious views? Maybe others have brushed off your thoughts or opinions.

Even though those challenges are hard, Joseph learned something life-changing: God knew him, loved him, and answered his prayers.

Think about how incredible it must have been to see Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. This event is one of the most sacred and awe-inspiring moments in history. And it impacts us, and everyone in the world, every day.

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