Google Calendar for Bishop Appointments


One of the nice features about Google Calendar is the ability to share with other people. This feature can come in really handy for bishops and Ward Executive Secretaries. The way the current system is set up, members call the executive secretary to make an appointment with the bishop. The secretary then has to call the bishop with all the appointments.

A possible alternative is for the bishopric to establish a Google Calendar for the various interviews that members need. As soon as the secretary or other member of the bishopric gets the appointment from a member, they can enter it into the calendar and make an assignment on who’s going to cover it. You can set Google Calendars up so that everyone gets an e-mail or a cell phone text message when the calendar has been updated.

Some of the possible benefits include saving time, making sure appointments don’t get forgotten, and better time management. Start your Executive Council Google Calendar today.

  1. I am a branch president and have been doing this for about two years now–it works perfectly. In fact, I am now on my fourth executive secretary, and using Google Calendar has been helpful in making transitions seamless. Thanks for posting this!

  2. I just got released as Exec Sec because our ward split. I'm actually going to miss it! I really liked using the Google Calendar for scheduling.

    At first I had a palm centro that helped some. Then I got an IPhone about 6 months ago – it made a huge difference. Here's some of the useful apps:
    – IWard – ability to sync ward list, copy names directly to your contacts list where you add in cell phone info etc. Bishop began asking where people lived because of its ability to link directly to Google map and street view.
    – TextLater – ability to schedule follow-up text messages/reminders. Was useful in making sure Bishop followed through on something you thought was handed off.
    – Email Later – schedule email reminders to auxiliaries etc. about this week's meetings, reminders to send ward bulletin info etc.
    – Tied Google Email & Calendar in (Set it up as an exchange account) – So that is the Exec Sec email, and then schedule appts on the phone, or on the computer w/ Sunbird etc. – right as I was on the phone with the person.
    – Dragon dictation – nice for dictating a text msg or email quicker.
    – QuickOffice – nice for being able to carry many of the files needed (meeting schedules, who is conducting when etc.)

    Another thing I did was to have all the files on a thumbdrive on my keychain. It has security so that if you didn't know the password the thumbdrive was useless. It has Thunderbird on it, so that all email went there. At first email was set up to text me when I got a new message, and I'd know to go check email. Later, with the iphone the email would copy to the phone directly.

    I would almost suggest that the next exec sec has an iphone – it made a huge difference.

  3. I am an executive secretary in my ward and used the Google calendar for last 2 years, works awesome, thank you for the tip on the calendar.

  4. I am an executive Secretary in my singles branch and this is exactly what we do. It works great with my Android phone because I always have it on hand.

  5. I don’t exactly like the Google Calendar cuz it all feels very crowded. . Do you use a different calendar for each of the three? The Bishop, and the 2 counselors? I use instead Google Sheets where I created a template that we all share. Then I duplicate the tab and set it up for a different month. Please tell me if there is a better method or how you use Google Calendar.

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