Barnes & Noble has 9 free audiobooks right now. 8 are short stories, but “The Adventure’s of Tom Sawyer” by Mark Twain should be in everyone’s collection and is the full-length novel. Just go to the Barnes & Noble Audiobook MP3 Free Download Offer page. You can add each one to your cart by clicking the button. After you do, you’ll be sent to a new page. To go back and add more, just look on the middle column under “Recent Searches” for a link back to the free books page.
Once you’ve got the ones you want, just click the big “Proceed to Checkout” button and then the “Begin Checkout” if you don’t have a B&N account. Once you do, you’ll just enter your email. Then scroll clear down to the bottom enter a credit card (better a credit card than a debit card, for your own sake) and your name and address. Next, click the “Checkout” button. Finally, give it a password, select a security question and answer, and click the “Continue Checkout” button. Note: I also recommend unckecking the little checkbox that tells them to keep your Credit Card on file, unless you think you’ll be making more purchases from Barnes & Noble online.
After all that, you’ll just need to click the large “Place My Order” button and an email will be sent to you with instructions to get your free audio books. If you don’t intend to use them in the future, I recommend uninstalling their little download program when you’re done. That way you don’t install one more piece of software that clutters up your computer and makes it run slower.
These audiobooks are in MP3 format so they’ll work on iTunes or Windows Media, or whatever personal MP3 player you have.
I know Louis L’Amour and Mark Twain well (I grew up on them), and vaguely Alice Munro and Kurt Vonnegut, but other than that am not familiar with any of the other authors, so let me know if there’s any I need to download and listen to.
I am so glad to have run across your page…I also am enjoying your LDS blog…thank you!
My question is this: I downloaded an audiobook (MP3) from Deseret last evening and it will not download says error plus a bunch of other stuff I don't understand. Could you please help? I have emailed them and called but will
probably have to wait until Monday to hear my book…
lois, you could try posting this question on If you do, you'll probably need to provide some further details though.
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