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3 New Ways to Take Your Gospel Study to the Next Level

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Whether you need more convenient ways to access gospel content or want to deepen your understanding, these three new resources can help.
“Which lesson are we studying this week?” The answer is always one tap away.
Just add the Gospel Library app’s new Come, Follow Me widget to your phone.
Listen to gospel media on Alexa and Google Assistant smart speaker devices.
Recently added:
  • Listen to Church magazines
  • Let Gospel Voice choose a random hymn for your at-home gatherings
Learn what else you can do at
If you enjoyed last year’s First Vision podcast, you’ll like this one. Six new episodes explore the context and events of the restoration of the priesthood as an ongoing revelatory process that brings increased understanding and blessings to the whole human family.
Apple Podcasts
Google Podcasts
Gospel Library
Latter-day Saints Channel