Money is a tool. When we learn to use it properly, we are able to buy those life changing items guilt free without putting our financial wellness on hold.
A friend told me that the Church is piloting a new online payment site in their stake. This source heard it announced in church, then logged into his account…
This is post 1 of 2 in the series “Tithing Settlement in 2 Days” During the holidays, Bishopric members should be home with their families. These posts explore methods to…
Previously I posted about using the excellent, free, “Getting Things Done” tool, Asana, in your ward or other church-related organization. Today, I interviewed Bishops & MLH-contributors Jeff VanDrimmelen and Kurt…
Learning the hard way I recently experienced a personal accountability failure that resulted in me gaining weight. In the indelible words of President Monson: When performance is measured, performance improves. When performance…
Here’s a quick way to remind yourself that it’s Fast Sunday. Every month. For the rest of your life. In Google Calendar, you can set an event to repeat…