VIDEO: The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square Thanksgiving Special (November 18, 2018) - Music & The Spoken Word LDS Mormon

VIDEO: The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square Thanksgiving Special (November 18, 2018) – Music & The Spoken Word

Thanksgiving is a time of gathering. We gather together to enjoy a meal, to connect with loved ones, and to recognize and celebrate the good things in our lives.


  1. Saints Bound for Heaven
  2. For the Beauty of the Earth
  3. Now Thank We All Our God (Organ Solo)
  4. Over the River and Through the Wood
  5. “Count Your Blessings Instead of Sheep,” from White Christmas
  6. We Gather to Give Thanks (Spoken Word)
  7. Prayer of Thanksgiving
  8. Thou Gracious God, Whose Mercy Lends



We Gather to Give Thanks


Thanksgiving is a time of gathering. We gather together to enjoy a meal, to connect with loved ones, and to recognize and celebrate the good things in our lives. β€œWe gather together to ask the Lord’s blessing.”


And in this changing, stressful world, we need such blessing more than ever. But in spite of any hardships we might be facing, in our Thanksgiving gatherings we humbly affirm that we have much to be thankful forβ€”that our blessings outnumber our difficulties. And perhaps that’s the greatest gift we can offerβ€”to live in thanksgiving daily, to acknowledge heaven’s hand in all things, and always, always to count our blessings.


It’s appropriate, then, to note that Thanksgiving Day as an official U.S. holiday has its roots in a period of American history when it may have been difficult to find reason to be grateful. It was during the dark days of the Civil War when President Abraham Lincoln called for a day in November for β€œThanksgiving and Praise.” He proclaimed: β€œThe year that is drawing towards its close, has been filled with the blessings of fruitful fields and healthful skies. To these bounties, which are so constantly enjoyed that we are prone to forget the source from which they come, others have been added, which are of so extraordinary a nature that they cannot fail to penetrate and soften even the heart which is habitually insensible to the ever watchful providence of Almighty God.” 


Maybe that is the best way to β€œask the Lord’s blessing”—to give thanks for the blessings we already have. A thankful heart is a soft heart, better able to receive the peace and reassurance we need. Numerous scientific studies have confirmed that gratitude literally makes us feel better, both emotionally and physically. One study showed that when people expressed gratitude in a journal each day, they saw great improvements in their overall well-being.


Sometimes we are being blessed even when we don’t realize it. If we just pause and reflect on all the good in our life, we will see that good things, however small, and better days, however distant, are ahead for us. This is why we gather to give thanks.




Episode 4653.
Aired November 18, 2018

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