My Servant Joseph | Animated Come Follow Me Lesson for Kids
This is Joseph Smith, Joseph Smith was a prophet of God. He translated the Book of Mormon and he restored the gospel of Jesus Christ. Joseph Smith was born in 1895 and he was named after his dad. There were 11 kids in his family and Joseph Smith was number five.
Joseph’s parents did not have a lot of money and the kids had to work on the farm to help support the family. They did things like helping with the chores. Building fences on the farm. And harvesting maple syrup from the maple trees. When Joseph was only seven years old, the bone in his left leg got infected. It was really bad, the doctors said, that Joseph would lose his leg. But there was another doctor nearby who said that he could cut the infected part of the bone out of Joseph’s leg.
Joseph agreed to do the surgery. He knew that it would be very painful, but he showed faith and courage.
The surgery worked and they were able to save Joseph’s leg. But Joseph had to walk with crutches for three years after the surgery. Joseph liked to play a game called Stackpole. He even liked to play it when he was a up. He was very good at Staple and he could even win against two people at the same time. Joseph didn’t get to go to a regular school because he had to work on the farm a lot and his family didn’t have much money.
His parents taught him at home. Joseph learned reading, writing and math. He spent a lot of his study time reading the family Bible. Reading the Bible is how Joseph found his answer when he was deciding which church to join. There were so many churches and he didn’t know which one was the right one. The Bible said, if any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God.
Joseph went into the grove of trees near his house to pray to Heavenly Father. That’s when he saw Heavenly Father and Jesus Jesus Christ. Later, God called Joseph to be a prophet. And Joseph Smith was a prophet of God. He translated the Book of Mormon and he restored the gospel of Jesus Christ. I give one to you, my servant Joseph, to be a presiding elder over all my church, to be a translator, a revelator, a seer and prophet.
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