VIDEO: How I #HearHim: Elder Gary E. Stevenson of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

VIDEO: How I #HearHim: Elder Gary E. Stevenson of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

“I share in this video how I have come to #HearHim when I listen and heed promptings from the still, small voice of the Spirit.”


Our prophet, Russell M. Nelson, has recently invited us to “think deeply and often about this key question: ‘How do you hear Him?’” 


I share in this video how I have come to #HearHim when I listen and heed promptings from the still, small voice of the Spirit. We can hear the voice of the Lord communicated through the gift of the Holy Ghost. As members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, it is a unique privilege and blessing to have the constant companionship of a third member of the Godhead. 


The Holy Ghost is a gift to warn and teach us, as well as bring comfort and peace during times of trouble. The Spirit also testifies of God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, and the truths of the gospel—if we but seek to #HearHim

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