Nauvoo temple 756499 wallpaper An introductory video offered by Nauvoo Restoration Incorporated, a non-profit organization created by LDS Church President David O. McKay in 1962 to oversee the purchasing, developing, and presentation of lands and buildings in Nauvoo, Illinois. This video offers a short overview of the history of Nauvoo and NRI. It is notable for its depiction of some of the development of lands and buildings in Nauvoo before the reconstruction of the Nauvoo Temple.

VIDEO: Historic Nauvoo (1990) | Hard-to-Find Mormon Videos


An introductory video offered by Nauvoo Restoration Incorporated, a non-profit organization created by LDS Church President David O. McKay in 1962 to oversee the purchasing, developing, and presentation of lands and buildings in Nauvoo, Illinois.

This video offers a short overview of the history of Nauvoo and NRI. It is notable for its depiction of some of the development of lands and buildings in Nauvoo before the reconstruction of the Nauvoo Temple.



I love Nauvoo and have spent many a summer there with my family. What a wonderful testament to the vision of the Prophet Joseph. It is a beautiful place to visit from both a historical and spiritual standpoint. I encourage people to stop and walk the quite streets and visit the restored buildings.



Thank you for posting. I am an early church history fanatic. I look forward when i retire to take church history tours.



Very nice. I enjoy going to Nauvoo every now and then.


Thank you I loved this video.


there’s also a Masonic Bldg that Joseph and Hyrum Smith got built in Nauvoo – this was built before the LDS/Mormon Temple in Nauvoo which explains a lot – if you go to Nauvoo you can visit both Bldgs and compare – or Google it – google maps “streetside view” may show both



Nauvoo might possibly the worst place I’ve ever lived. Sure, there are nice people but it’s like Gummo out there.


The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is truly the restored gospel of the Lord. The Book of Mormon Another Testament of Jesus Christ is a marvel for our age and will stand a witness to the divinity of Christ alongside the Bible.


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