If there is one thing I know, this virus did not catch Heavenly Father by surprise
Conference time has always been a time to be close to family and friends, a time to meet new people, shake hands and give hugs, a time to recharge our spiritual and emotional batteries. All of us have been affected by the pandemic in some way. I learned that it was wise to keep physical distance to protect us, but to stay in close social and emotional contact to support and help each other in our family. We decided we would mask our face as needed, but never mask our hearts.
My message of tell and confidence was that even though this pandemic is not what we wanted or expected, God has prepared his children and his church for this time. This virus did not catch Heavenly Father by surprise. With his help, we will move forward and upward. We will be better as a result, the savior and his gospel message are the pathway to a brighter future. Our best days are ahead of us, not behind us. God has something unimaginable in mind for us.
Please leave the comment what you experienced and learned during this challenging time. God bless you all.
Conference time has always been a time to be close to family and friends, a time to meet new people, shake hands and give hugs, a time to recharge our spiritual and emotional batteries. All of us have been affected by the pandemic in some way. I learned that it was wise to keep physical distance to protect us, but to stay in close social and emotional contact to support and help each other in our family. We decided we would mask our face as needed, but never mask our hearts
My message at #GeneralConference was that even though this pandemic is not what we wanted or expected, God has prepared his children and his church for this time. This virus did not catch Heavenly Father by surprise. With his help, we will move forward and upward. We will be better as a result, the savior and his gospel message are the pathway to a brighter future. Our best days are ahead of us, not behind us. God has something unimaginable in mind for us.
Please leave the comment what you experienced and learned during this challenging time. God bless you all.