Alex Boye's "American Prophet" (An Urban Musical)

VIDEO: Alex Boye’s “American Prophet” (An Urban Musical)

Alex Boye’s “American Prophet” An urban movie, set in the early 1800’s based around the story of religious leader leader Joseph Smith, combining hip-hop, rap and r&b. With a heavy use of modern day story telling, this story which aims to bring a fresh twist to a 200 year old narrative.

The Mormon version of Hamilton, correct?

DO YOU WANT TO BE PART OF THE “AMERICAN PROPHET” CAST OR PRODUCTION? Click link below for more exciting info!

Alex Boye’s “American Prophet” An urban movie, set in the early 1800’s based around the story of religious leader leader Joseph Smith, combining hip-hop, rap and r&b. With a heavy use of modern day story telling, this story which aims to bring a fresh twist to a 200 year old narrative.

“The story of yesterdays America, told by America today”

WANT TO BE PART OF THE CAST OR PRODUCTION? Click link below for more exciting info!

1 comment
  1. Hip Hop is derived from the ghettos and by gangs and to bring church into it will only destroy what ever chances Alex had……..he has to just be himself and stop using tribal wear and paints and other props and now hip hop to try to break him in as a singer…..he comes across like a fake snake oil salesman and I just cant get into who is he really…? going hip hop may get attention for a minute but now he blends in with all the others and not stand apart,,,,,,,! Hes always trying to sell us costumes like a stage play character and not a true down to earth artist………I want to see a true human being who is a true artist with a good voice,…not a performance like a character from a broadway play!…………he just doesnt get it! and now hes getting older and time and his audience demographics is getting slimmer

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