Tips for Church at Home and Connecting with Others
We have all been affected by recent changes to daily life caused by the virus known as COVID-19. You are not alone in this, and we will get through this together.
Tips for Church at Home and Connecting with Others
We have all been affected by recent changes to daily life caused by the virus known as COVID-19. You are not alone in this, and we will get through this together.
Below are some answers to common questions about church at home, the sacrament, and maintaining connections with others:
What does it look like to worship at home?
While the administration of the sacrament has important guidelines (see question below), how you worship during this time can be guided by your own personal revelation.
Saints around the world are using some of the following resources to help them:
Every member needs the spiritual blessings that come from partaking of the sacrament. The administration of the sacrament must be authorized by the bishop (See General Handbook: Serving in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 18.9 and ), and the First Presidency instructed that bishops counsel with their stake president to determine how to make the sacrament available to members at least once a month.
When a priesthood holder is not available in a home, ministering brothers can be asked to provide the sacrament to their assigned individuals and families.
How can we minister when we are supposed to maintain physical distance?
As we follow the recommendations of health officials, practice physical distancing, and stay at home when possible, you might wonder how to minister to others if you can’t see them regularly.
Here are a few ideas:
Pray for your families and individuals by name. Then act on promptings from the Holy Ghost as you consider ways to help others feel loved, included, and important.
Consider a virtual visit. Video calls can provide some face time and fun.
Talk with your ministering companion. He or she likely has some great ideas.
Be a source of joy, optimism, comfort, and peace. Share a scripture via text. Or visit, and consider sharing one of the picture quotes or images of Christ.
Call. Let them hear the sincere love and concern in your voice. “I miss seeing you! How are you dealing with everything?” Assess their immediate needs. Do they have food, shelter, supplies?
Listen to them and validate their feelings. Respond with compassion and understanding.
If immediate needs exist, identify ways you can safely help, and relay any concerns to ward leaders.