In 1972, right after Gloria and I were married, we were in Buffalo NY selling a toy invented in Utah (the IGGY snow block maker. Invented by Gloria’s cousin and Randy Simmons’s dad). I was determined to sell them in the Ben Franklin 5-10 store since the building was the site of the printing of the Book of Mormon. I met Paul Cherry, the manager, and we had a great visit. He gave us a grand tour of the three storied building where you could still see type between the floorboards in the upstairs. He bought IGGY’s!
As we visited, he asked if I thought the Church might be interested in buying the building. He said it was in great need of restoration and repair and he couldn’t afford to do it. He asked if I would raise the issue with the Church on my return. I arranged to meet with the Church History Department and gave them the message and his contact info. The rest, as they say, is history. The Church acquired it and has restored and dedicated it as an incredible visitor center.