The Mormon Battalion was a group of about 500 Saints who marched 2,000 miles because of their faith in Jesus Christ.

Take a free virtual tour at the Mormon Battalion in San Diego, CA!

The Mormon Battalion was a group of about 500 Saints who marched 2,000 miles because of their faith in Jesus Christ.

Hi everyone! With the 2021 Come Follow Me being centered on D&C, I wanted to let you know that many church historic sites are now offering virtual tours! See the link below for more info!

I am a missionary at the Mormon Battalion Historic Site and hope that you’ll take a tour with us as well! The Mormon Battalion was a group of about 500 Saints who marched 2,000 miles because of their faith in Jesus Christ.

The Mormon Battalion tour is really fun and engaging for all ages and backgrounds, so it’s perfect for families and nonmembers! Sign up for a tour today with the link below


Priesthood restoration site
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