COME, FOLLOW ME LESSON AIDS: December 2–8 1–3 John; Jude “God Is Love” Mormon LDS

COME, FOLLOW ME LESSON AIDS: December 2–8 1–3 John; Jude “God Is Love”

1 John 1: The Saints gain fellowship with God by obedience—We must confess our sins to gain forgiveness. 1 John 2: Christ is our Advocate with the Father—We know God by obedience—Love not the world—Anti-Christs will come in the last days. 1 John 3: The sons of God will become like Christ—Love for others is required to gain eternal life—Obedience ensures us an answer to our prayers. 1 John 4: Try the spirits—God is love and dwells in those who love Him. 1 John 5: Saints are born of God through belief in Christ—Water, blood, and the Spirit testify of Christ—Belief in Christ is required in order to gain eternal life. 2 John: John rejoices because the children of the elect lady are true and faithful. 3 John: John commends Gaius for his help to those who love the truth. Jude: Contend for the faith—Some angels kept not their first estate—Michael disputed about the body of Moses—Enoch prophesied of the Second Coming—Mockers will come in the last days.
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Melchizedek blesses abram walter rane COME, FOLLOW ME LESSON AIDS: November 11–17 Hebrews 7–13 “An High Priest of Good Things to Come”

COME, FOLLOW ME LESSON AIDS: November 11–17 Hebrews 7–13 “An High Priest of Good Things to Come”

Hebrews 7: The Melchizedek Priesthood brings exaltation and administers the gospel—It is received with an oath and covenant—The superiority of the Melchizedek Priesthood over the Aaronic Priesthood is explained—Salvation comes through the intercession of Christ. Hebrews 8: Christ offered Himself as a sacrifice for sin—God promised to make a new covenant with Israel. Hebrews 9: The Mosaic ordinances prefigured Christ’s ministry—Christ is the Mediator of the new covenant. Hebrews 10: We are sanctified by the shedding of the blood of Christ—The superiority of His sacrifice is explained—Those who fall from grace through willful sin are damned—The just will live by faith. Hebrews 11: By faith we understand the word and work of God—The faith of the ancients was centered in Christ—By faith, men subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, and worked miracles. Hebrews 12: Whom the Lord loves He chastens—God is the Father of spirits—To see God, follow peace and holiness—Exalted Saints belong to the Church of the Firstborn. Hebrews 13: Marriage is honorable—Christ is the same everlastingly—Paul explains how the Saints are to offer acceptable sacrifices.
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Balm gilead christ white shawl COME, FOLLOW ME LESSON AIDS: November 4–10 Hebrews 1–6 Jesus Christ, “the Author of Eternal Salvation”

COME, FOLLOW ME LESSON AIDS: November 4–10 Hebrews 1–6 Jesus Christ, “the Author of Eternal Salvation”

Hebrews 1: The Son is in the express image of the person of the Father—Christ is the Only Begotten Son and thus above the angels. Hebrews 2: Jesus came to suffer death and save men—He came to make reconciliation for the sins of the people. Hebrews 3: Christ is the Apostle and High Priest of our profession—Jesus, being the Son, is more than a servant—Now is the time and the day of our salvation. Hebrews 4: The gospel was offered to ancient Israel—Saints enter into the rest of the Lord—Though tempted in all points, Jesus was without sin. Hebrews 5: For a man to hold the priesthood, he must be called of God as was Aaron—Christ was a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek—Jesus Christ is the Author of eternal salvation. Hebrews 6: Let us go on to perfection—The sons of perdition crucify Christ anew—God swears with an oath that the faithful will be saved.
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COME, FOLLOW ME LESSON AIDS: September 30–October 13 Ephesians “For the Perfecting of the Saints”

COME, FOLLOW ME LESSON AIDS: September 30–October 13 Ephesians “For the Perfecting of the Saints”

Ephesians 1: The Saints are foreordained to receive the gospel—The gospel is to be restored in the latter days—The Saints are sealed by the Holy Spirit of Promise—They know God and Christ by revelation. Ephesians 2: We are saved by grace through faith—The blood of Christ saves Jew and Gentile alike—The Church is built upon the foundation of apostles and prophets. Ephesians 3: The Gentiles are fellow heirs with Israel—The love of Christ surpasses all understanding. Ephesians 4: There is one Lord, one faith, and one baptism—Apostles and prophets are essential to the Church—The Saints are exhorted to live righteously—They are sealed unto the day of redemption. Ephesians 5: The Saints are exhorted to avoid uncleanness and walk uprightly—Husbands and wives should love each other. Ephesians 6: Children should honor their parents—Servants and masters are judged by the same law—Saints should put on the whole armor of God.
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COME, FOLLOW ME LESSON AIDS: September 2–8 1 Corinthians 14–16 “God Is Not the Author of Confusion, but of Peace” LDS Mormon Sunday School Primary Home Family

COME, FOLLOW ME LESSON AIDS: September 2–8 1 Corinthians 14–16 “God Is Not the Author of Confusion, but of Peace” #ComeFollowMe

1 Corinthians 14: People should desire spiritual gifts—Tongues and prophecy are compared—Prophecy is the greater gift—Paul says, You may all prophesy; covet to prophesy. 1 Corinthians 15: Christ died for our sins—He rose from the dead and was seen by many—All men will be resurrected—Paul speaks of baptism for the dead—The three degrees of glory are described—Victory over death comes through Christ. 1 Corinthians 16: Paul counsels, Stand fast in the faith; let all things be done with charity.
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Come, Follow Me New Testament Lesson 28: July 15–21 Acts 10–15 “The Word of God Grew and Multiplied”

COME, FOLLOW ME LESSON AIDS | Acts 10–15 | “The Word of God Grew and Multiplied”

Acts 10: An angel ministers to Cornelius—Peter, in a vision, is commanded to take the gospel to the Gentiles—The gospel is taught by witnesses—The Holy Ghost falls upon the Gentiles. Acts 11: God grants the gift of repentance to the Gentiles—The disciples are first called Christians at Antioch—The Church is guided by revelation. Acts 12: The martyrdom of James is described—An angel frees Peter from prison—The Lord slays Herod by disease—The Church grows. Acts 13: Saul and Barnabas are called to missionary service—Saul, now called Paul, curses a sorcerer—Christ is a descendant of David—Paul offers the gospel to Israel, then to the Gentiles. Acts 14: Persecution attends the spread of the gospel—Paul heals a crippled man; Paul and Barnabas are hailed as gods—Paul is stoned and revived; he preaches—Elders are ordained. Acts 15: Great dissension arises at Antioch concerning circumcision—The Apostles at Jerusalem decide the issue—Paul chooses Silas as his companion.
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Use Evernote & Online Resources for Powerful Scripture Study

If you’re not completely satisfied with the Church’s new online scripture study tools, we’ve got a great new way for you to study online. Aaron Goodwin keeps a blog entitled You Should Be! and recently wrote about how he studies his scriptures. He’s got some amazing tips on everything from the tools he uses to the way he sets up his screen.
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