Lesson 42
“I Will Write It in Their Hearts”
Read Jeremiah 16; 23; 29; and 31.
- If you could have witnessed or participated in any story or event in the Old Testament, which one would you choose? (You may want to write class members’ responses on the chalkboard.)
- Why would you like to have witnessed or participated in this event?
- What is happening in the Church today that might be comparable to some of the events you have chosen?
1. Jeremiah foresees the latter-day gathering of Israel.
2. God will write his law in the hearts of his people.
From LDS Living (Ted Gibbons): CLICK HERE
From BYU Studies
Jeremiah foresaw the gathering of Israel in the last days. He exhorted his people to have the law of God written on their hearts, and that is exemplified in keeping commandments and loving neighbors.
“Lamentations of Jeremiah: Beware of Bondage,” by Quentin L. Cook, October 2013 General Conference.
“The prophecies and lamentations of Jeremiah are important to Latter-day Saints. During the years before the destruction of Jerusalem, the messages the Lord gave to Jeremiah are haunting. He said: ‘My people have changed their glory for that which doth not profit.’ ‘They have forsaken me the fountain of living waters, and hewed . . . out . . . broken cisterns, that can hold no water.’ God intended that men and women would be free to make choices between good and evil. When evil choices become the dominant characteristic of a culture or nation, there are serious consequences both in this life and the life to come.”
“Jeremiah and the New Paradigm of the Gathering,” Roy L. Huntington, Religious Educator 9, no. 2 (2008): 83–90
“The use of the Exodus motif served as an impressive and profound way to illustrate God’s power throughout Old Testament times. But according to Jeremiah, that motif would eventually be replaced by another paradigm. …According to Jeremiah, the day will come when the Exodus story will be eclipsed by another event, or series of events: the latter-day gathering of Israel. Stories from the modern gathering will replace the Exodus story as the benchmark demonstration of God’s power and His control over the destiny of nations and individuals. Modern apostles and prophets will rehearse stories in general conference regarding their own missionary experiences, the experiences of other missionaries and converts, and the dedication of distant foreign lands for the preaching of the gospel.”