Summary of Love Is Spoken Here by Elder Gerrit W. Gong of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles | October 2023 General Conference

Summary of Love Is Spoken Here by Elder Gerrit W. Gong of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles | October 2023 General Conference


The overall message of Elder Gong’s talk is that love is a universal language, expressed in various ways, and that understanding the languages of gospel love can strengthen relationships (individual/God and individual/individual) and bring individuals closer to Jesus Christ.

  1. Introduction to Love as a Universal Language: The text begins with a reference to a song sung by Primary children titled “Love is Spoken Here.” It sets the tone for a message about love transcending language and social barriers that may exist.
  2. Expressing Love in Different Ways: The author shares a personal anecdote about a locket inscribed with Morse code and Mandarin Chinese to convey the message “I love you.” This highlights the idea that love is expressed in various languages and forms. At home, we often hear the needs of others where we would (and should) bless them abundantly with our time and efforts.
  3. Three Languages of Gospel Love: The text discusses three languages of gospel love: warmth and reverence, service and sacrifice, and covenant belonging.
  4. Warmth and Reverence: Emphasis is placed on the importance of speaking and understanding love through warmth and reverence, both in personal relationships and in religious settings. The text underscores the significance of using reverent language when addressing Heavenly Father and maintaining respect when communicating with others.
  5. Service and Sacrifice: The text highlights the importance of serving and sacrificing for one another in the Church community. It encourages members to accept Church callings and serve with humility and compassion. The author also mentions the role of service and social activities in building unity and gospel bonds.
  6. Covenant Belonging: The final point focuses on the concept of covenant belonging, emphasizing that relationships founded on divine covenants are stronger than self-centered pursuits. It underscores the idea that God knows and loves us better than we know or love ourselves, and that covenant relationships can heal and sanctify our most cherished bonds.

    Questions to consider:
      • How do you interpret the concept that β€œlove is spoken here” as discussed in the text, and how does it resonate with your own personal experiences?
      • In what ways can love be expressed in different languages and forms within the global community, Church community, and in your personal life?
      • The text discusses three languages of gospel love: warmth and reverence, service and sacrifice, and covenant belonging. How have you personally experienced or observed these languages of love in your faith journey?
      • The importance of service and sacrifice in the Church community is emphasized. How do you view the role of Church callings and service in strengthening your connection to Jesus Christ and your fellow members?
      • The idea of building a Zion community and fostering unity through ward activities and service is mentioned. How do you think such activities contribute to a sense of belonging and harmony among Church members?
      • The text encourages understanding and kindness when learning new languages of love. How do you think the words we use to ourselves, others, and within religious contexts can impact our relationships with ourselves and others (both within and outside the Church)?
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