Summary: Jesus Christ Is the Treasure By Elder Dale G. Renlund Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles | October 2023 general conference

Summary: Jesus Christ Is the Treasure By Elder Dale G. Renlund Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles | October 2023 general conference


Summary: “Jesus Christ Is the Treasure” by Elder Dale G. Renlund

In Elder Dale G. Renlund’s message, he emphasizes the significance of focusing on Jesus Christ as our Savior and greatest treasure.Β Here are 5 main points to consider as you read and study Elder Renlund’s address:

The Ultimate Treasure:

Elder Renlund urges believers to prioritize Jesus Christ as the ultimate treasure, the “mark” to whom they should look. He compares this to Carter and Carnarvon overlooking the treasure beneath their base camp, emphasizing the importance of recognizing the blessings of the Savior in our lives.

Looking Beyond the Mark:

Drawing from the Book of Mormon, Elder Renlund discusses the concept of “looking beyond the mark,” as prophet Jacob foresaw that people might miss recognizing the promised Messiah by seeking things beyond plainness. He warns against tendencies to overlook the Savior and counsels reliance on the merits of Jesus Christ for salvation.

The Power of Repentance and Sacrament:

Elder Renlund shares a personal childhood experience after his baptism, highlighting the misconception that water alone cleanses sins. He emphasizes that sins are cleansed through Jesus Christ’s atoning sacrifice, and the sacrament provides a regular opportunity for repentance and spiritual renewal. The blessings of the sacrament, likened to the treasure beneath Carter and Carnarvon, are available to all who attend sacrament meetings with the right attitude.

Strengthening Spiritual Foundation:

The message underscores the importance of a robust spiritual foundation built on repentance and worthy participation in the sacrament. Elder Renlund warns against weakening this foundation by skipping sacrament meetings or failing to focus on the Savior during the sacrament, which may inadvertently distance individuals from the guidance of the Spirit.

Temple Covenants and Trust in Prophetic Counsel:

Elder Renlund discusses the significance of temple covenants and cautions against taking temples for granted, especially as they become more accessible. He encourages individuals to maintain a strong commitment to temple attendance, considering it as crucial when temples are nearby as when they are distant. Trusting in prophetic counsel, as illustrated by Naaman’s story in the Old Testament, is emphasized for finding happiness and healing.
In conclusion, Elder Renlund encourages individuals to always focus on Jesus Christ, their Savior and Redeemer. He expresses gratitude for faith and faithfulness, leaving a solemn witness of God’s existence, Jesus Christ’s divinity, and the truthfulness of the restored Church. The message concludes with a prayer for blessings, prosperity, and preservation in the name of Jesus Christ.

The questions below encourage reflection, personal application, and discussion on key themes presented in Elder Renlund’s message.

Reflecting on Elder Renlund’s analogy of Carter and Herbert overlooking the treasure beneath their base camp, how might this concept of “looking beyond the mark” apply to our spiritual lives, and what are some common distractions that can lead us to overlook the Savior in our daily journey?

Elder Renlund emphasizes the importance of focusing on Jesus Christ as our greatest treasure. How do you personally maintain this focus amidst the challenges and distractions of everyday life, and what practices or habits help you continually center your thoughts on the Savior?

The text discusses the sacrament as a treasured opportunity to intentionally focus on Jesus Christ and receive blessings. How has your perspective on the sacrament evolved over time, and in what ways does it contribute to your spiritual foundation and growth?

Elder Renlund shares a personal experience from his childhood where he misunderstood the cleansing power of baptism. How have your perceptions of key gospel principles evolved or deepened throughout your life, and what lessons have you learned about the role of repentance and the Atonement in maintaining spiritual cleanliness?

The analogy of temples becoming more accessible and the potential for taking them for granted is mentioned. How do you ensure that the accessibility of temples enhances, rather than diminishes, your commitment to temple attendance and the covenants made therein?

In the text, Naaman’s story is referenced as an example of trusting in the counsel of a prophet, even when the solution seemed ordinary. How can we apply this principle of trust in modern times, especially in following the counsel of living prophets? How has following prophetic counsel influenced your life?

These words from Elder Dale G. Renlund cover strengthening our spiritual foundation, making temple worship a priority, and blessings that come from the temple.

β€œOur spiritual foundation is strengthened through repentance and by conscientiously preparing for and worthily partaking of the sacrament. . . .
“When we have the Holy Ghost with us, we will be inspired and guided to make and keep other covenants, such as those we make in temples. Doing so deepens our relationship with God.”
β€”Elder Dale G. Renlund

March 2020 ensign magazine jesus christ looking beyond mark arroq target

β€œYou may have noticed that many new temples have been announced in recent years, bringing temples ever closer to members. Paradoxically, as temples become more accessible, it may be easier for us to become more casual about temple attendance. When temples are distant, we plan our time and resources to travel to the temple to worship there. We prioritize these journeys.”
β€”Elder Dale G. Renlund

β€œWith a temple close at hand, it can be easy to let little things get in the way of attending, saying to ourselves, β€˜Well, I’ll just go another time.’ Living close to a temple does bring greater flexibility in scheduling time in the temple, but that very flexibility can make it easier to take the temple for granted. When we do, we β€˜miss the mark,’ undervaluing the opportunity to draw closer to the Savior in His holy house. Our commitment to attend should be at least as strong when the temple is nearby as when it is distant.”
β€”Elder Dale G. Renlund

β€œTreasure the opportunity to repent, the privilege of partaking of the sacrament, the blessing of making and keeping temple covenants, the delight of worshipping in the temple, and the joy of having a living prophet.”
β€”Elder Dale G. Renlund

Jesus Christ Is the Treasure

  • During Jesus’s mortal ministry, many people looked beyond the mark and waited for someone else to save them
  • Finding King Tut’s tomb right beneath their feet.
    • We fail to recognize the blessings of Christ right below our feet.
  • We too can look beyond the mark.
  • Jesus Christ is our mark.
    • If we incorrectly imagine that there is a need for something beyond what He offers, we deny or diminish the scope and power He can have in our lives
  • There is nothing we need beyond Christ
  • Do not demand anything beyond what Jesus has offered
  • Jesus Christ is our treasure.
  • Sins are cleansed through the power of Jesus Christ through the power of the atonement.
    • Not through baptism.
  • We shouldn’t take for granted or undervalue what is all around us.
    • Rather than looking beyond the mark for some extraordinary thing, we should look at what the Lord has put right in our reach
  • Β We are counseled to rely wholly upon Him who is mighty to save.
    • He is our advocate with the father and champions what the father has wanted for us all along.
    • To be inheritors in His kingdom.
  • Jesus Christ is our treasure.
  • Many new temples have been announced, thus making them more accessible
    • We need not be casual about Temple attendance
    • When temples are distance, we have to plan
    • When they are close, we might fail to plan.
    • Flexibility with close temples may cause us to take them for granted.
    • Our commitment to attend should be at least as strong as it was when they were far away.
  • We need not look to novel sources for inspiration or guidance.
    • We must not overlook the power that comes from following a humble prophet of God.
  • When we have the Holy Ghost with us, we’ll be inspired and guided to make and keep other covenants – such as those made in temples.
  • Doing so deepens our relationship with God.Β 
  • Β When we voluntarily skip sacrament meeting or fail to think on the Savior and His Atonement during Sacrament meeting, we weaken our covenant connection with God
  • Naaman was healed when he stopped looking beyond the mark and obeyed the Lord’s prophet.
  • When we trust God’s prophet on the earth today, and act on his counsel, we will find happiness, and we, too, can be healed.
    • We need to look no further.
  • Β I encourage you to remember and always focus on Jesus Christ.
    • He is our Savior and Redeemer, the β€˜mark’ to whom we should look, and our greatest treasure
  • Treasure the opportunity to repent, the privilege of partaking of the sacrament, the blessing of making and keeping temple covenants, the delight of worshipping in the temple, and the joy of having a living prophet.
  • Jesus is the Christ.
    • He’s our kind, wise, Heavenly friend, and this is His restored church
  • Searching five fruitless years for King Tut’s burial chamber in Egypt’s Valley of the Kings, an archaeologist realized the only remaining possible location was under his base camp.
    • Soon, the treasure-laden tomb was discovered.
  • The 1923 discovery can be likened to Jacob’s Book of Mormon prophecy of people in Jerusalem β€œlooking beyond the mark” by not recognizing the promised Messiah.
  • He is our mark.
    • If we incorrectly imagine that there is a need for something beyond what He offers, we deny or diminish the scope and power He can have in our lives.
    • Jesus Christ is our treasure.
  • The Savior provides many ways to focus on Him intentionally, including the daily opportunity to repent, the weekly retaining a remission of sins through partaking the sacrament, the sanctifying companionship of the Holy Ghost, and the making and keeping of covenants, including temple covenants.
  • Conference messages can help one remember and always focus on Jesus Christ.
  • He is our Savior and Redeemer, the β€˜mark’ to whom we should look, and our greatest treasure.
    • As you come to Him, you will be rewarded with strength to face life’s challenges, courage to do what is right, and the ability to fulfill your mission in mortality.”
  • Jesus Christ is our treasure.
  • He is our mark.
    • If we incorrectly imagine that there is a need for something beyond what He offers, we deny or diminish the scope and power He can have in our lives.
  • He is our Savior and Redeemer, the β€˜mark’ to whom we should look, and our greatest treasure.

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