Rise Today: Trusting God and His Promise (new book by Jason Wright now in preorder)

Rise Today: Trusting God and His Promise (new book by Jason Wright now in preorder)

RISE TODAY — Preorder Zoom Offer

Preorder today!

Jason and Shadow Mountain Publishing are pleased to offer a unique preorder opportunity for his upcoming book.

Rise Today: Trusting God and His Promise.

Almost everyone gets the doldrums at some level, whether from heartache, despair, or simply feeling that life isn’t what they had planned. Jason invites readers to rise above life’s challenges with a message of hope, offering specific counsel and advice he’s learned through personally striving to live a Christ-centered life and through worshipping with many different congregations across the United States.

Preorder today!

Everyone who preorders from these online or traditional retailers will be invited to an exclusive Zoom book club!

Readers will have an opportunity to ask Jason questions, hear his inspiration behind the book, and compete in a real-time trivia contest for fun freebies.

Jason will offer the Zoom three times on different days to accommodate as many readers as possible.

March 7 at 8 PM/ET
March 9 at 2 PM/ET
March 11 at 12 PM/ET

To receive your invitation, complete this form and provide proof of purchase by March 6, 2023.

You may forward a copy of your receipt to risetoday@jasonfwright.com or text an image to 540-212-4095. You’ll receive a reply with additional information.

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