Provo LDS temple reconstruction plans submitted to the design review board. Church is buying the public street just west of their property to make it more cohesive. (Road between their temple and the fields used for the MTC etc…) looks to me a bit taller than the original edifice.

Provo temple reconstruction plans submitted—see them now!


New Provo temple reconstruction plans were submitted to the design review board.

The Church is buying the public street just west of their property to make it more cohesive. (Road between their temple and the fields used for the MTC.)

Original post located HERE.

Plans for the new Provo Utah Temple go before the Provo City Design Review Committee.

The larger and taller building would be a complete replacement of the existing temple.

Temple Hill Drive, the street located west of the temple site, would be vacated and become part of the new grounds.

The new temple would be constructed slightly west of the existing building, allowing for ample parking around the entire edifice and reducing the slope that patrons must climb to enter the temple.

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In addition to the extensive overall exterior redesign, the renovated Provo temple will be without an angel Moroni statue. Originally built without, the temple had its current angel Moroni statue added atop the spire in 2003, three decades after dedication.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has reaffirmed the primary purpose of its temples is to draw people closer to God and His Son Jesus Christ through worship, instruction and unifying sacred ordinances, with the temples’ exterior and interior designs and elements secondary to that purpose.

A Newsroom resource document titled “Angel Moroni Statues on Temples” states:

“A temple’s design, both internal and external, is secondary to its primary purpose, which is for people to draw closer to God and His Son, Jesus Christ by participating in sacred ceremonies that teach of God’s plan and unite families forever.”

And it adds the following about the angel Moroni statue: “While the angel Moroni statue occupies a prominent place on many temples throughout the world — symbolizing the restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ — it is not a requirement of temple design. Some temples may include the statue, while others may not.”

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