Hi, my name is Tevya Washburn. I was able to get in touch with Brett, the original creator and author of this blog, about reviving it. He kindly agreed and turned it over to me. I registered some domains, created a logo, and am now waiting for some logistical things to take place, before the full resurrection of Mormon Hacker will occur. As you might’ve noticed in the title graphic, we’ve changed the name slightly to Mormon Life Hacker. That may be subject to change and I appreciate any input on the matter, but I’ll get to that in a bit, more important stuff first:
Writers/Contributers Wanted
When Mormon Hacker fully relaunches in a few months, I’m hoping to have several editors/writers on board. If you are Mormon and love lifehacker.com and/or The 4 Hour Work-Week and/or are just interested in learning (then sharing) shortcuts, tips, and advice, for the unique aspects of our LDS lifestyle, please contact me by emailing tevyaw[at]gmail[dot]com.
Currently there are no plans that would allow you to be compensated for your time/efforts, except the thanks of readers as they read and implement your lifehacks. If readership reaches a point where it makes sense to implement a revenue-generation model, the authors/editors who have put in the most time and effort will receive the greatest compensation. Also, even without the site making any money, there will be some opportunity to promote your own websites/businesses through Mormon Life Hacker.
My hope is to have writers/editors that areΒ committedΒ to one article per week or one article per month. So when you contact me, make sure you let me know which you feel you could commit to, starting around Sept. 1, 2010.
Name Change
If you hate “Mormon Life Hacker” but loved “Mormon Hacker” let me know in the comments. But don’t just say you love or hate whatever, tell me why. And as a hint, I like logic. Also, sorry that all comments have to be approved by me first, but there’s a lot of spam in the site currently (as you may have noticed), and a bug in blogger is preventing me from deleting them once they show on the blog.
Just so you know, I decided on “Mormon Life Hacker” with three separate words because I wanted to make it clear that its about lifehacking, not just hacking, which are really quite different, though related. I also chose to separate life and hacker because I didn’t want the site to seem like just a Mormon version of lifehacker.com, because we’re in no way affiliated with them, and will have a distinctly LDS flavor of lifehacking articles and information. If you think we should go ahead and just call it “Mormon Lifehacker” let me know, and why. That’s the option I’m most open to.
Please Share
Please share this post or blog (most common online sharing tools in the sidebar), so that whether you are interested in becoming a part of the Mormon Life Hacker team or not, other people who would be, will get the word. Thanks for contributing to what I’m sure will be an awesome team!