What is true beauty?
What determines true worth?
How can true self esteem be found?
Ask Monica Moore Smith.
And ten other powerful, grounded, and strong females who joined her in her video entitled mashup of “Who You Are” and “I Am a Child of God.”
Monica, in the YouTube description for this video, gives us this nugget of wisdom.
The world tells you you’re not successful enough, beautiful enough, smart enough, thin enough, rich enough. Sometimes we try to build up others by telling women they ARE all those things. But, the truth is, sometimes we really aren’t! Sometimes we fail, look ugly, can’t figure things out, gain weight, and are flat broke. My message to you is that your true self worth doesn’t come from being pretty, smart, thin, rich, or anything else. Your worth comes directly from God. Nothing you do (or don’t do) changes your eternal, infinite worth. You are loved, valued, and needed! Inspired by Colbie Caillat’s song “Try” and, obviously, by Jessie J’s “Who You Are”—as well as all the other amazing female power anthems out there—I wanted to add my voice to tell you that your worth is inherent because you are a daughter (or son!) of God. No qualifiers. No conditions. Full stop.
In the video, Monica also reads a powerful quote from Thomas S. Monson:
Your Heavenly Father loves you-each of you. That love never changes. It is not influenced by your appearance, by your possessions, or by the amount of money you have in your bank account. It is not changed by your talents and abilities. It is simply there. It is there for you when you are sad or happy, discouraged or hopeful. God’s love is there for you whether or not you feel you deserve love. It is simply always there.
Read the full story of the #WhoAreYou project: http://monicamooresmith.com/who-are-you/
You can also listen to the inspiring back story behind this project here:
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