JST Expander Shows Joseph Smith Translation in LDS Scriptures


Ever get tired of having to click to see the correct translation of the Bible, even on LDS.org? We previously shared an excellent way to study your scriptures using online tools. As Latter-Day Saints, we know “the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly.” We also have corrections to its imperfections, straight from Heavenly Father, in the form of the Joseph Smith Translation. So why should these corrections be relegated to footnotes?

Before you have to click the reference to see the JST
Before: you must click the reference to see the JST

MLH reader Paul Whiting got tired of having to click every footnote reference, to find out if there was a JST correction and read it, when studying the Bible on LDS.org. So he wrote an awesome GreaseMonkey script to show the JST references right on in the verse, in red. You can easily install this in Chrome or Firefox (and possibly Safari) browsers.

After installing you can see the JST right in the verse!
After: shows the JST in red, right in the verse!


Firefox was the first browser to use userscripts. To add the JST Expander, you’ll need to install the GreaseMonkey Add-On. Then visit the JST Expander page on userscripts.org, and click the green “Install” button in the top-right corner.


Chrome integrated userscripts right into the browser itself, so you can install them individually: just visit the JST Expander page on userscripts.org, and click the green “Install” button in the top-right corner. It’ll ask if you’re sure, just tell it to go ahead.

JST Expander Userscript shown as an extension in Google Chrome
JST Expander Userscript in Google Chrome's extensions list


Supposedly Safari can use most userscripts, if you follow these instructions. Do that, then just do the same as you would in Firefox or Chrome. You’re on your own though, no guarantees it’ll work.

That should do it! Go to scriptures.LDS.org and try out Genesis 9 (the example above). If it doesn’t work immediately, try refreshing the page, and/or closing and entirely reloading your browser.

Do you find this useful? Know of any other great scripts/tools that your fellow Latter-Day Saints would find useful? Let us know in the comments.

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