2016 09 0040 dieter f uchtdorf 900x505

#GeneralConference shorts | One Look and We Would Be Forever Changed | Dieter F. Uchtdorf


One Look and We Would Be Forever Changed | Dieter F. Uchtdorf | Segment – powered by Happy Scribe

Suppose Jesus came to your ward, to your branch, or to your home today.

What would that be like?

He would see right into your heart.

Outward appearances would lose their importance.

He would know you as you are.

He would know your heart’s desires. The meek and the humble He would lift. The sick he would heal.

One look into His eyes, and we would never be the same, transformed by the profound realization that indeed, God is among us.



Did you know the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints provides a page of general conference activities for youth/children in English,Β Portuguese, andΒ SpanishΒ  to help them focus on learning more from listening to or watching #GeneralConference?

There are other πŸ’₯ GREAT RESOURCESπŸ’₯ from other online outlets. Check out the following list!

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