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Deseret Peak Utah Temple Open House | The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints |


The Deseret Peak Utah Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Tooele, Utah, is now open for public tours. Located approximately 35 miles southwest of Salt Lake City, this temple marks a significant milestone as the 200th temple worldwide.

A media event was held on Monday, September 23, 2024, where church leaders and local community members gathered to explore this sacred space.

Members of the Utah Area Communication Council also attended an event with online content creators.

Elder Kevin W. Pearson, President of the Utah Area, spoke about the temple’s importance, expressing enthusiasm for the opportunity to share the temple’s purpose. “There’s always a sense of excitement and anticipation as I explain what happens in these sacred houses of the Lord and why they matter so much to us as members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,” he stated.

Elder Steven R. Bangerter, a General Authority Seventy, emphasized how the temple deepens the understanding of the Church’s teachings about God and Jesus Christ. “The meaning of the temple to us runs deep. It fills every fiber of our being. It informs our understanding of God, our Eternal Father, and our relationship to Him and our beloved Savior Jesus Christ,” Bangerter said.

Primary General President, Susan H. Porter, shared a personal connection to the temple’s location, recalling that her parents met nearby at Dugway Proving Ground. Porter highlighted the temple’s focus on family and the healing it offers. “Inside temples, you can receive healing and connection; connection with God, family, and one another. I’m grateful for the blessings this temple will provide to the people in this valley,” she remarked.

Local members are excited for the temple’s opening, including 13-year-old Reggie Jensen, who expressed his happiness: “It’s awesome because now it allows me to go to the temple more often, and it will bring the spirit of Jesus Christ more into the valley.”



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