Follow the Prophet
After the Pharaoh let the Israelites go, he changed his mind and sent his armies to pursue them. Guided by a cloud the Lord provided to show them the way, the Israelites tried to escape. Soon they came to the edge of the sea and could go no further. The Lord told Moses to stretch forth his hands and he would part the sea so the Israelites could cross on dry ground. After they crossed, Pharaoh’s army tried to follow them through the sea. The sea returned to normal and the army was drowned. The Israelites were safe. They sang songs praising God and celebrating their deliverance.
They had been traveling a while and were thirsty and hungry. The only water they had was bad. They complained to Moses and he asked the Lord what to do. The Lord told Moses to use a certain tree to make the waters sweet. The Lord also sent manna and quail to feed the Israelites. Moses taught the people how the Lord wanted them to gather the manna. If they obeyed they would continue to be blessed with enough food to eat.
As they traveled they met Amalek and his people. Amalek wanted to fight the Israelites. When Moses lifted his arms, his people prevailed. When he lowered his arms, Amalek prevailed. Aaron and Hur helped sustain Moses and lifted his arms for him until the Israelites won the battle.
We can learn to follow our prophet and sustain our leaders. The Lord will bless us if we are willing to follow His chosen prophet.