Come Follow Me with Living Scriptures: Nahum; Habakkuk; Zephaniah | Old Testament

Come Follow Me with Living Scriptures: Nahum; Habakkuk; Zephaniah | Old Testament




The Lord is Good

Nahum; Habakkuk; Zephaniah | November 28-December 4

Nahum, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah were all prophets who were called by the Lord to cry repentance to certain cities. They warned the people of the coming destruction that would happen, but reminded them that the Lord could help them if they turned to Him. The people could choose to follow the Lord and be protected, or they could choose to turn away from Him and be destroyed. Even though the Lord loved them and wanted them to be safe, He couldn’t help them if they didn’t listen to Him. They had been given their agency to choose. Sadly, they chose not to listen.

Sometimes our parents warn us of things that might happen if we don’t listen to them. If we listen we are protected. If we don’t listen we could get hurt. Our loving Father in Heaven is good and kind. He will guide us and protect us if we choose to listen to Him. He allows us to make choices so we can learn.


Read and Discuss


Nahum 1:7

“The Lord is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him.”


  • Who were Nahum, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah?
  • What did they tell the people?
  • What did the people choose?
  • How can we choose to turn to the Lord?
  • Why did Nahum say, “The Lord is good?”


“Our agency—our ability to choose and act for ourselves—was an essential element of this plan. Without agency we would be unable to make right choices and progress. Yet with agency we could make wrong choices, commit sin, and lose the opportunity to be with Heavenly Father again. For this reason a Savior would be provided to suffer for our sins and redeem us if we would repent.” Robert D. Hales

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More Resources


What Should I Wear?

During this activity your children will not only have fun deciding what these cute paper dolls should wear, but they will find that learning to dress appropriately will help them to learn about using their agency and making good decisions throughout their lives.


Choose the Right Stuffed Crepes

Using this easy crepe recipe is a great way to help guide your children while allowing them to use their agency to make the right choices. As long as they “choose the right” stuff, they’ll love these sweet fruit filled and savory chicken stuffed crepes.


Choose the Right Way, Children’s Songbook page 160

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