Come Follow Me with Living Scriptures: Come, Follow Me Doctrine and Covenants Lesson 35: August 23–29 “Receive of His Fulness” Doctrine and Covenants 93
In section 93, Jesus Christ is speaking to Joseph Smith. He shares John’s testimony with Joseph to help us better understand who Jesus Christ is. He teaches Joseph about the plan of salvation. In this section, we learn that we were with Heavenly Father in the beginning. When we came to earth, we were given bodies and the ability to choose light and truth. If we keep the commandments, we can receive more light and truth. Parents have a responsibility to teach their children light and truth. The Lord warned some of the Saints that they needed to set their houses in order by praying always and being “more diligent and concerned at home.”
D&C 93:Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Kirtland, Ohio, May 6, 1833.
“But I have commanded you to bring up your children in light and truth.”
How can we gain light and truth?
How does light and truth help us?
What do we learn about Jesus Christ in this section?
How can we be “more diligent and concerned at home”?
“Strong eternal families and Spirit-filled homes do not just happen. They take great effort, they take time, and they take each member of the family doing his or her part. Every home is different, but every home where even one individual seeks for truth can make a difference.” Cheryl A. Esplin
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints owns two properties — a 1,100-acre northern tract and a 3,100-acre southern one — in Lee’s Summit, MO. It has partnered with the city to develop them.