Acts 16–21
Acts 16—21
“The Lord Had Called Us for to Preach the Gospel”
Paul’s missionary experiences include imprisonment, beatings, and hardship, but also miracles, conversions, and the establishment of the church.
“How Paul Came to Corinth: Acts 18,” excerpted from Richard D. Draper and Michael D. Rhodes, Paul’s First Epistle to the Corinthians,pages 18, 22-25
In Corinth (Acts 18), Paul worked as a laborer and supported himself rather than making a living by speaking. This example fostered the correct attitude about the gospel in its message: that the goal is not fame and wealth, but hope in Christ, self-sacrifice, and service. As a result, the church did not attract many of the upper class. Still, it appears that a number of well-off people converted, and they would have had more influence in the Christian community than the peasants and slaves. Thus Paul had to remind the Saints that “the body is not one member but many.”
“‘The Wisdom of Men’: Greek Philosophy, Corinthian Behavior, and the Teachings of Paul,” Eric D. Huntsman, in Shedding Light on the New Testament: Acts—Revelation
In Acts 18, Paul spends a long period of time in Corinth, leading to a lasting relationship with the Corinthian converts. This article looks at the cultural forces at work in Corinth during Paul’s time there.
Acts 16—20, New Testament Student Manual, Religion 211-212, pages 312–321
A review of the stories and principles taught in these chapters: Paul circumcises Timothy; he is led to Turkey; he meets Lydia; he cast out the evil spirit in the woman; the prison doors were opened; and more.
Chart 15–3: “Paul’s Missionary Experiences,” Charting the New Testament
The book of Acts provides an overview of Paul’s missionary experiences. This chart shows where Paul went and what happened in each place, according to Acts. Paul exemplifies missionary work guided by the Holy Ghost as he receives the Holy Ghost (Acts 13:52), preaches and heals by the Spirit, and confers the gift of the Holy Ghost to others (Acts 19:5).