Are you a Latter-day-Saint with musical skills and want to be considered for projects, events, and productions produced by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints?


Are you musical? Wherever you live, if you are a Latter-day-Saint with musical skills and want to be considered for projects, events, and productions produced by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, add your information to the Church-wide talent database.

The talent database is a list of professionals and volunteers with acting, music, and other related skills that Church producers can consider engaging for music projects, events, broadcasts, performances, and other productions.

The database is available in Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian, German, Russian, Korean, Japanese, and Chinese.

Also needed are applicants with non-performance music skills, such as transcription, experience using music notation software, text editing and translation, audio recording, and event and project coordination and logistical planning.

Not only are music coordinators looking to connect with talent outside the Utah area, but “there’s also great interest in cultural music styles and other non-traditional styles,” said project coordinator Corinne Judd.

“This effort to expand our database of artists from around the world represents the Church’s overall commitment to represent a worldwide church in future music projects,” Judd said.

To submit your information to the talent database, visit the link below:

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