Gratitude postcard exercises | Every time you cultivate gratitude, it becomes abundant | Skylight Spiritual Wellness

Gratitude postcard exercises | Every time you cultivate gratitude, it becomes abundant | Skylight Spiritual Wellness


Go ahead and close your eyes.

Feel yourself relax now.

Picture a stack of handcrafted postcards.

Each postcard is illustrated with something that you’re grateful for.

They’ve been designed just for you. Choose a postcard.

On the front of this card is a place you’re grateful for.

Which place do you see?

Now, imagine you’re completing this statement on the back of the card. “I’m grateful for this place because…”

When you’re ready, pick another postcard.

This one illustrates a moment you’re grateful for.

Which moment do you see?

Go ahead and let your mind fill in the back of this postcard. “I’m grateful for this moment because…”

Next, select the card that holds a drawing of a person you’re grateful for.

Whoever pops into your mind first is right. Finish this statement on the back of the card. “I’m grateful for this person because…”

Great work.

We’ve just uncovered three things you’re grateful for.

And the incredible thing about these postcards is they send themselves: to your friends, to your family, to your higher power.

Release them now and feel the gratitude extend around and above you.

And begin to notice how every time you cultivate gratitude, it becomes abundant.



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