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Ask MLH: Get Your LDS Tech & Life-Hacking Questions Answered


UPDATE: we’ve moved this to a community on Google+. Please visit our Mormon Life Hackers community.

I’ve been getting a lot of questions sent via MLH’s contact us form. That’s great, I love to hear from all of you. However, many of the questions were outside my body of knowledge. For example after our recent post on putting scriptures and other LDS apps on your Kindle Fire, I got several questions related to the Kindle Fire. I don’t own a Kindle Fire, and just posted instructions provided by +Ben Anderson on Google+ (with his support). I consider myself an expert in a few things, but certainly not the range required to answer all the questions that have come via Mormon Life Hacker.

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Ask MLH is Born

I had the idea to start a Google+ circle or Facebook group, where I could gather some trusted “experts” to pass on your questions as they came in. Then I realized: “why not just let them ask the experts directly?” That’s how Ask MLH was born. I gathered some people I knew to be helpful, good, Latter-Day Saints on Google+ and asked them if they’d be willing to help with answering questions. Most eagerly agreed, so I built a site. Just visit to see the results.

How to Use Ask MLH

It’s dead-simple. Just login using the buttons on the right at the top of the sidebar. A little window will pop-up and you can select the specific service you want to use to login (Facebook, Google, etc). You’ll then be taken to a page/window for that respective service, and will need to approve Ask MLH to login via your account. This way there’s no new username or password to keep track of, but we avoid the spam that comes from opening it up to anyone.

Once you’re logged in, you’ll see the spot to ask your question, right at the top next to your picture (if our site was able to import it from your account), and under the wording “Hi, [your name]. What’s your question?” Just write up your question and click the “Post It” button. Our panel of experts will be notified of your question and will comment if they have any ideas, suggestions, or at least something to point you in the right direction.

So go ahead, go over to and ask us your questions! Or just login so you can vote on the name of our group of experts, in the poll in the right sidebar. For now we’re calling them the Guru Panel, but we’d like to hear from you if you like that name, or prefer something else we’ve thought of.

The Ask MLH Guru Panel

The name’s not final, and we’re still excited to find new experts to add to our panel, but I’d like to introduce you to the awesome people who are currently on our panel. The description I provide reflects my knowledge of their abilities, coolness, etc. Though I think they’re all amazing people, I don’t know them all super well, and they’re probably all way more awesome than I know or describe here. Here they are in no particular order (click their name to view their Google+ profile):

If you’re interested in helping out, anyone can answer questions, but only the Guru Panel will be notified each time a new question is posted. If you’d like to join the panel, just shoot me an email at

As the subtitle suggests the purpose of Ask MLH is designed so we can all “get answers about LDS life, work, genealogy, callings, tech, family & more.” I hope you’ll use it for that and find it helpful.Β If you find any issues or feedback on Ask MLH, please let us know in the comments on this post.

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