VIDEO: 190th Semiannual #GeneralConference talk summaries, quotes, and commentary

191st Annual General Conference * April 3, 2021 | Saturday Afternoon Session Notes


NOTE: Original notes found here. They are editable and can be used by anyone and everyone.

Saturday Afternoon Session 

Conducting: President Henry B. Eyring – Second Counselor in the First Presidency

Hymn: Guide Us, O Thou Great Jehovah – Hymn 83

  • October 2015

Invocation: Elder Carl B. Cook – Presidency of the Seventy

The Sustaining of the Church Officers: President Dallin H. Oaks – First Counselor in the First Presidency

    • Released
      • Presidency of the Seventy
        • Robert C. Gay (August 1, 2021)
        • Terence M. Vinson (August 1, 2021)
      • Area Seventies 

        • Sean Douglas
        • Michael A Dunn
        • Clark G Gilbert
        • Alfred Kyungu
        • Carlos G Revillo Jr
        • Vaiangina Sikahema
      • Primary General Presidency
        • Joy D. Jones
        • Lisa L. Harkness
        • Cristina B. Franco
    • Called 
  • I’m glad they’re doing these in the leadership meeting instead of the general meetings; I had this idea a while ago. Now we need to stop using the middle initial. 
  • I kinda liked hearing Elder Uchtdorf try to pronounce all of them though. 🙂 
  • I think I had heard that once. Very interesting! I also think President Oaks or President Eyring had a hard time with them as well.
  • She was recently named president of her law firm

Church Auditing Department Report, 2020: Jared B Larson, Auditing

    • D&C 120 
    • Funds were administered appropriately.  
  • Phew. 

Statistical Report, (2020): 

2020 2019
Church Units
Stakes 3,463 3,437
Missions 405 399
Districts 537 542
Wards and Branches 31,136 30,940
Church Membership
Total Membership 16,663,663 16,565,036
New Children of record 65,440 94,266
Converts baptized 125,930 248,835
Full-time 51,819 67,021
Church-service 30,527 31,333
Temples Dedicated 1

Durban South Africa


Rome Italy

Kinshasa DR Congo

Fortaleza Brazil

Port-au-Prince Haiti

Lisbon Portugal

Arequipa Perú

Temples Rededicated 0 7

Memphis Tennessee

Oklahoma City Oklahoma

Oakland California

Raleigh North Carolina

Frankfurt Germany

Asunción Paraguay

Baton Rouge Louisiana

Temples in operation 168 167


Hymn: If I Listen with My Heart by Sally DeFord

  • October 2018

Talk: Elder Jeffrey R. Holland – Quorum of the Twelve

Not as the World Giveth

Major Themes: Peace; Language; Abuse

Notable Stories: N/A

Scriptures: John 14:1, 27

  • Challenging times come even to the faithful. 
  • Violence and conflict will be our companion throughout the last days
  • Jesus said peace would be taken from the earth and that there wars and rumors of wars
  • Violence and conflict was always known to be a part of these last days… but the Prince of Peace can give us personal peace in the midst of contention around us
  • Inasmuch as the Book of Mormon was written for a latter-day audience, these authors … prophetically warn us that violence and conflict will be a signature characteristic of relationships in the last days
  • The instruments we need to create a brighter day and grow an economy of genuine goodness are abundantly provided for in the gospel of Jesus Christ
  • Our own World War III is being waged as we care for those around us.
  • Deficits of faith, hope, and charity all around us. Instruments we need are provided for in the Gospel
  • We cannot afford our failure to not put these gospel concepts and fortifying covenants to full use. 
  • ‘Covenant of peace’
    • Practice peace in a personal way.   Apply the atonement to ourselves, families and all those we can reach around us. 
  • The Great Depression we face now is less about outward economic hardship and more about a lack of inward self-confidence
  • How do we find the covenant of Peace? 
    • Turn to Christ. 
    • In spite of the frightening prophecies, individual peace does not have to be taken from us.
  • The instruments we need to create a brighter day, and grow an economy of genuine goodness are abundantly available in the Gospel of Jesus Christ
  • We can apply the grace and healing balm of the Atonement of the Lord Jesus Christ to ourselves, to our families, and to those around us
  • The great depression we now face has less to do with the external loss of our savings & more to do with the internal loss of our self confidence
  • In difficult times, we need the powers of heaven. 
    • To access these powers, we must live principles of righteousness
  • Too much ugly language, harassment, etc. 
    • Sacred is too often made common, and the holy is too often made profane. 
    • Walking these paths will not lead to happiness. The piper will have to be paid, often in a currency of tears and regret. 
  • Don’t abuse people. 
  • Promise of being a peacemaker is gift of Holy Ghost 
  • You cannot use sharp or unkind words and still sing, on tune, the song of redeeming love 
  • ‎Everyone has the right to be loved, to feel at peace, and to find security at home. 
    • Please, let’s try to keep that environment there‎
  • In the cold, uncaring confinement of Liberty Jail, Joseph Smith was taught that the principles of righteousness included such virtues as patience, long suffering and love unfeigned
  • Understanding that connection between principle and power is the one lesson the human family never seems able to learn, so says the God of heaven and earth
  • This Easter let’s try to practice peace in a personal way, applying the grace and healing balm of the Atonement of the Lord Jesus Christ to ourselves and our families and all those we can reach around us

Talk: Elder Jorge T. Becerra – General Authority Seventy

Poor Little Ones

Major Themes: Lift up those in need

Notable Stories: Father helping the “poor little ones”; visiting with Stake Presidencies

Scriptures: Acts 3:1–11

  • Pre-recorded message
  • Did he come down with COVID-19 as well, or was it just because he could not travel?
  • They didn’t say
  • As we minister we should be led by revelation to those who are most in need, as opposed to just going down a list or visiting people in a methodical way.
    • We should be led by the power of inspiration
  • Who are the poor little ones we can help in our lives.
  • Peter and John healing the lame man on the steps of the temple.
  • Be faithful, stand in the office which I have appointed you.
  • We are ALL members of the body of Christ
  • Brigham Young’s dream of Joseph Smith leading an unruly herd of sheep and goats. 
  • ‎We must be guided by the power of inspiration.
  • The apostle Paul taught a key element in our ministering. 
    • He taught that we are all the body of Christ and members in particular, and that each member of the body is needed to ensure that the entire body is edified
  • He said much more those members of the body, which seem to be more feeble, are necessary. 
    • And those members of the body which we think to be less honorable, upon these we bestow more abundant honor

Talk: Elder Dale G. Renlund – Quorum of the Twelve

Infuriating Unfairness

Major Themes: Unfairness 

Notable Stories: Rwandan genocide

Scriptures: N/A

  • Types of Unfairness
    • Weekly allowance given to kids, John bought candy, Anna saved and later bought a bike. John sees this as unfair. But choices caused the disparity.
  • We cannot see things as unfair when we have the same opportunity
  • Unfairness comes with living with bodies prone to sickness and living with disease. 
  • Our decisions can yield long term advantages or disadvantages
  • Some use their god given agency to harm others, when they shouldn’t.
  • Choices affect destiny.
    • Unfairness does not arise from use of agency. 
    • Mortal life is inherently unfair
  • Christ is fair and just, yet he understands unfairness perfectly
  • In the eternities, Christ and the Father will resolve all unfairness
  • Jesus Christ both understands unfairness and has the power to provide a remedy. Nothing compares to the unfairness He endured
  • Some unfairness is inherent to conditions of birth and circumstance
  • We don’t know how or when, but we know they will
  • Jesus came to this world to absorb all unfairness.
  • In the eternities, Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ will resolve all unfairness
  • All that is unfair about life can be resolved through the atonement
  • Christ will consecrate the unfairness for our gain. 
  • Our role: Treat others with compassion and try to solve what unfairness that we can.  
  • Jesus Christ both understands unfairness and has the ability to provide a remedy
  • The Lord told us in the parable of the talents that each of us would received an unequal number of talents to manage on behalf of the Lord AND that our reward would be proportional to how well we manage what we’ve been entrusted with
  • Self righteousness, fear, and anger cause even christians to cast stones. 
  • Not throwing stones is the first step in treating others with compassion. 
    • Catching stones thrown at others is the next step.
  • Because Jesus Christ endured the infinite, atoning sacrifice, He empathizes perfectly with us.
    • He is always aware of us and our circumstances
  • How we treat the vulnerable and disadvantaged is how we will be judged. 
  • Seeing things with an eternal perspective can be clarifying. 
  • ‘If there were a God wouldn’t he have done something about [the Rwandan genocide]?’
    • God has done something about infuriating unfairness. All that was unfair in life can be made right through the Atonement of Christ. Those who died can still be sealed to their families. 
  • When faced with unfairness we can push away from God or draw near to Him. 
  • We won’t be judged by what we say, but how we treat the vulnerable and disadvantaged
  • We demonstrate our love for our neighbor by working to ensure the dignity of all Heavenly Father’s children
  • Rather than becoming bitter, let Him help you become better. 
  • Join Him in his mission to heal the broken hearted, and become a stone catcher.
  • While there may not be an immediate remedy for all unfair situations, turning to the Savior allows for healing and help through the Atonement 
  • Don’t let unfairness harden you or corrode your faith in God.
    •  Instead, ask God for help. Increase your appreciation for and reliance on the Savior. 
    • Rather than becoming bitter, let Him help you become better
  • Seeking to understand another’s perspective and working to see things from an eternal viewpoint can help clarify and enlighten.
    •  In an unfair situation, rather than letting the situation create a hard heart or corrode faith, ask God for help.


Hymn: Come, Ye Children of the Lord – Hymn 58

  • April 2019

Talk: Elder Neil L. Andersen – Quorum of the Twelve

The Personal Journey of a Child of God

Major Themes: Plan of salvation; Abortion 

Notable Stories: 3 members who have passed due to Covid-19, Bryce & Jolene adopting Emily, Lang Family being prompted to have more children

Scriptures: Jeremiah 1:5; Matthew 18:1–6

  • Each of us has been affected by the Worldwide Pandemic.
  • Each one of us are unique sons and daughters of God. We existed before birth.
  • Our personal journey did not begin at birth
  • Our eternal perspective not only enlarges our understanding of those who are continuing their journey beyond mortality, but also opens our understanding of those who are earlier in their journey and just now entering mortality
  • We love and honor the amazing women of this Church.
    • With intelligence and wisdom, you bear the burdens of your family
      • You love
      • You serve
      • You sacrifice
      • You strengthen faith, minister to those in need and greatly contribute to society
  • Abortions are evil, stark and real and repugnant. But can be forgiven.
  • Our responsibility is to live and teach the gospel to those willing to listen. 
  • Mortal decisions go beyond what one may want for his or her life.
  • Reach out with support, emotionally, spiritually, financially, to those with unwanted pregnancies. 
  • Unwanted children can be adopted, answering prayers to members 
  • Let us live God’s commandments, teach them to our children, and share them with others who are willing to listen
  • If an unanticipated child is expected, let us reach out with love, encouragement, and when needed, financial help, strengthening a mother in allowing her child to be born and continue his or her journey in mortality
  • How grateful we are for the divine gifts of repentance and forgiveness
  • There can be happiness in the journal of mortality, even when all our dreams and hopes are not realized.
  • Vaccines are good
  • Concerning that fewer children are being born. When and how many children to have are private decisions to be made between husband, wife, and God
  • As we are faithful to Jesus Christ and our covenants, we will receive compensating blessings in this life and our righteous desires in the eternal timeline of the Lord
  • It is concerning that even in some of the most prosperous countries of the world, fewer children are being born
    • God’s commandment for His children to multiply and replenish the earth remains in force
  • Being open to the Lord’s direction will always bring more happiness than relying on our own understanding 
  • Children are loved by God

Talk: Elder Thierry K. Mutombo – General Authority Seventy

Ye Shall Be Free

Major Themes: Faith; obedience

Notable Stories: Strife/unity with own family; Kasai region tragedy

Scriptures: 3 Nephi 18:24; Doctrine and Covenants 123:12; John 8:12

  • Pre-recorded message 
  • (Does anyone else feel that his smile & happiness is contagious?) +1 +1!!
  • He seems to be in a good mood. Then again, who would not be when giving a conference talk?
  • I feel like his personality can come out more in a recorded message than it might have in a live talk. 
  • Family was in a dark place when growing up 
  • Met missionaries and got baptized, were able to adopt a new lifestyle centered on the Gospel
  • “Truly became a family”
  • We pray, pray, pray. 
    • This is our legacy
  • We, who previously walked in darkness, chased darkness from among us and saw great light
  • When we choose to follow Christ, we choose to be changed
  • A man changed by Christ, will be captained by Christ
  • Jesus Christ is the light that we should hold up even during the dark times of our mortal life 
    • When we choose to follow Christ, we choose to be changed
  • Many are blinded today by the subtle craftiness of men
    • Truth is needed to become free from the lies that the adversary spreads
  • The truth will always triumph over error; and darkness will not continue on Earth, because of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.
  • Those that follow Jesus Christ will not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life
  • He is the antidote and remedy to the confusion of the world. He is the standard of excellence for exaltation, even Jesus Christ.
  • Faith in and obedience to the Savior bring about lasting change.
  • The gospel of Jesus Christ is the key to freedom from the lies and darkness of the adversary.
  • He is the antidote and remedy to the confusion of the world
    • He is the standard of excellence for exaltation, even Jesus Christ.

Talk: President M. Russell Ballard – Acting President of the Quorum of the Twelve

Hope in Christ

Major Themes: Belonging; Singles in the Church

Notable Stories:

Scriptures: John 16:33; D&C 76:79; Article of Faith 3

  • Focus on resurrection of Christ and his invitations to come unto him 
  • We can still feel lonely even when surrounded by friends. 
  • Loneliness may come from not knowing we belong to a heavenly family 
  • As children of God, we each have divine nature and potential. This is our identity, who we really are. 
  • Our spiritual identity is enhanced as we understand our many mortal identities, including ethnic, cultural or national heritage
  • Knowing that we are loved by our Heavenly Father will help us know who we are and know that we belong to His great eternal family
  • For many who lack a sense of belonging, it is because they may not know that they are loved by Heavenly Father and that we all belong to His eternal family
  • Hope in Christ is not wishful thinking, but an expectation that will be realized. 
  • The 12 are aware of feelings of loneliness and are concerned about helping them feel belonging.
  • Over half of adults in church today are currently single (Widowed, divorced, or not yet married)
  • Worth is measured in discipleship not marital status. 
  • We should understand that eternal life is not simply a question of current marital status but of discipleship and being valiant in the testimony of Jesus
  • No blessing will be withheld from God’s faithful saints
  • Principles we need to understand
    • Everyone who is faithful in keeping covenants will have opportunity for exaltation. 
      • No blessing will be withheld from faithful saints. 
    • Time and manner of exaltation have not been revealed but are assured
      • Circumstances that are painful in mortality will be set right in the millennium 
    • Waiting on the lord implies continual obedience and progress. It does not imply biding one’s time.
      • You should never feel like you are in the waiting room
      • Waiting on the lord implies action.
      • Our hope increases when we serve others. 
      • Serving as Christ served we naturally increase our hope in him.
      • Growth one can achieve now while waiting on the Lord is an invaluable sacred element of God’s plan. 
    • God offers eternal life to all his children.
      • All those who accept the Savior’s gift of repentance and live commandments will receive eternal life
        • Those who repent will experience God’s readiness to forgive. 
    • Confidence in these assurances is rooted in faith in Christ
      • All promise blessings are made possible through him
      • Through his atonement all things are possible. 
  • Everyone has a divine origin, nature and potential
    • This is our identity
    • This is who we really are
  • The labels, “Young single adults, single adults, and adults” can be helpful for administrative purposes but can sometimes lead to problems. 
    • The gospel of Jesus Christ has the power to unite us.
    • We are ultimately more alike than we are different.
    • As members of God’s family, we are truly brothers and sisters
  • Marital status has nothing to do with one’s capacity to serve
  • Let us call upon our members who are single to serve, lift and teach.
    • Disregard old nations and ideas that have sometimes unintentionally contributed to their feelings of loneliness and that they do not belong or cannot serve
  • The hope of all who are single is the same as for all members of the Lord’s restored Church — access to the grace of Christ through ‘obedience to the laws and ordinances of the gospel
  • More than half of adults in the Church today are widowed, divorced or not yet married. 
    • Some wonder about their opportunities and place in God’s plan and in the Church. 
    • We should understand that eternal life is not simply a question of current marital status but of discipleship and being ‘valiant in the testimony of Jesus’
  • The hope of all who are single is the same as for all members of the Lord’s restored Church — access to the grace of Christ through ‘obedience to the laws and ordinances of the gospel’


Hymn: Rejoice, the Lord is King! – Hymn 66

  • April 2019


Benediction: Brother Mark L. Pace – Sunday School General President


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* Guidelines *

191st Annual General Conference * April 3 – 4, 2020

Saturday AM * Saturday PM * Saturday Evening * Sunday AM * Sunday PM




    •  I did not realize Lloyd Newell is the announcer for the General Conferences. I thought he was only the announcer for Music and the Spoken Word!
      • A man of many spoken talents. 
  • Yes indeed!
  • HA! He just said “Sunday Afternoon Session” instead of “Saturday…” 
  • Elder Becerra and Elder Renlund’s talks resonate with me as I have a disability.
  • President Ballard circa 1976:
    • THANK YOU EVERYONE FOR CONTRIBUTING!! This is a great resource for my own note-taking! See you tonight at 8pm ET! 
  • Amen brother
  • I look forward to doing this every General Conference. It keeps me active and not wanting to slumber during a few of the talks (as had happened once or twice in the past!) 
  • It still happens occasionally even with the notes… Kids are great, just not great for parents sleeping at night. 





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