Have you ever felt the burden of grief or shame? Or the feelings of despair and hopelessness that come from making poor choices?

VIDEO: You are never beyond his saving GRACE (Mormon Channel)

Have you ever felt the burden of grief or shame? Or the feelings of despair and hopelessness that come from making poor choices? Don’t despair.

Have you ever felt the burden of grief or shame? Or the feelings of despair and hopelessness that come from making poor choices? Kelly did. She was lost. She was a drug addict, a prostitute, and she was unable to care for her children. Sometimes she didn’t even feel human. And what she was left with was a feeling of absolute fear, terror, and loneliness.

Kelly felt convinced that she would never be worthy of the Savior’s love. But what she didn’t realize was that even though she thought she was beyond saving, God’s love is unconditional. It wasn’t until she began to consider the idea that maybe there could be hope in Jesus Christ that her healing began.

Kelly’s life didn’t change overnight. But with the support of her family, and by seeking repentance, she began to feel forgiveness from her Savior.

Do you know that God loves you? Do you know that you’re never too broken or too damaged for God’s grace to save you?

Jesus Christ has the power to heal your wounds.

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