VIDEO: What Is The Good Side of AI? | Skylight Spiritual Wellness

VIDEO: What Is The Good Side of AI? | Skylight Spiritual Wellness


The explosion of ChatGPT and AI has stirred up some mixed feelings in all of us. But is there actually more good than bad that can come from this?

WHO IS SKYLIGHT? We believe that life is better when connected to a greater source. We aim to inspire people to explore their spiritual life in way that is real and meaningful to them.


Do you even know why? You’re afraid AI. Will erase you?

AI. Is kind of a fancy thing. First of all, it’s two letters. It means artificial intelligence, but some say it’s a threat to society.

BuzzFeed just fired 12% of their staff, then announced that they’re increasing their use of AI. 80% of all jobs are going to be affected by AI. The erosion of the middle class could get much worse with AI. If we ignore it, I think we’ll be able to mitigate some of the worst scenarios you could imagine.

I want to talk to you about AI. And the future of humanity. Get ready. It’s coming. I’m gonna come, and there’s nothing you can do to stop it. AI. Is a hot topic of conversations surrounding business, the environment, and its massive implications for our future. But its existence? It’s not new. You made use of artificial intelligence in some form or another. When you schedule your calendar, when you use Google maps, or asking siri where to find the hottest wings in Atlanta.

Jones barbecue foot massage, or even using.

A search tool to how to stop explosive diet. But now the impact of AI. Is everywhere it’s talked about all the time, and its ability to mimic human expression makes our sense of identity begin to feel a little fuzzy.

Never mind. I’ll find someone like you.

So it raises the question, who are you without your job? I’m a real estate agent. I’m a truck driver. I’m a copywriter. These are jobs, along with hundreds of others that are in the midst of a massive change due to AI. That’s okay. You can change careers because you’re not your job. You have hobbies and talents that honestly make a very unique and one of a kind. You you like to draw, okay? You like to go running, right? Well, you like to solve math problems. You kidding me. Come on. Okay, great. The machines can jump higher, run faster, fly anywhere, solve complex problems. But look, I don’t need to do any of those things to feel like a person, right? I’m also a combination of thousands of generations of genetics that have combined to make me me, look like me, sound like me, act like me. There has never been anyone like me before or since the creation of this earth. Come on. Maybe we should get back to an earlier question. What are you so afraid of? In the early years of locomotive expansion, there was very real concerns about the sudden acceleration of this new form of travel and how it could jar the brain and create unhinged lunatics, given that the train’s unholy unnatural speed of 15.

That’s it. In 1830, a Yale mathematician wrote out part of his lesson on a chalkboard, an act considered heresy to his students, believing this technology robbed them of the education gained by their traditional rote memorization. And then, when the television became widely available to the public, Hollywood tried everything in their power to stop it spread, afraid that no one would go to the movies anymore. That is, until they figured out that people would watch the movies on those televisions.

Check it out.

Voila. Oh, and you know, let’s jump ahead. The Internet, that’s just a fad, right?

It is the big new thing. A couple of months ago, there was like a big breakthrough announcement that on the Internet or on some computer deal, they were going to broadcast a baseball game. And I just thought to myself, does radio ring a bell?

What are we really afraid of then? Change. A change that challenges what we believe about our world and ultimately ourselves. When we cannot or will not grasp those large scale changes, we face what Alan Toffler called future shock. There’s too much change too fast, and nothing feels permanent, often creating a creeping dread of what the future will become. But this book came out 50 years ago, and this Alan doesn’t even know what our future looks like today. Or maybe we hate that we have to change. Because how much can you change before you’re not you anymore? Which brings us to our next segment. We’re calling Nothing is New because the Greeks did it first. This is the ship of Theseus, a mythical vessel that made an annual pilgrimage to honor one of the gods. Which led to an interesting philosophical question. As each piece of the ship receives maintenance over the years, the old and broken replaced with a new. Is it still the same ship? This is the exact dilemma that many of us face with rapidly changing technology like AI. How much can you change about yourself before you are no longer you?

This idea of external factors changing you, it is at the heart of your fear. And our collective future shock. We’re more worried about the outward components of our ship and our perception of what replacement could mean to our ship. When the singular purpose of the ship is to carry a passenger without a passenger, what’s the purpose of a ship? You lose a job, you are still you. You lose your arm, you are still you. You lose yourself to dance. You are now daft punk. The answer of Theseus ship doesn’t answer the question of not knowing who you are. But it can point out who’s inside and where your ship can take you. That being said, I welcome our AI overlords. You can’t stop it. You can’t hide from it. Do you even know what it is? What you need to know about it is already in its name. Intelligence. AI is varying deployments of knowledge and data created by human intelligence. It operates within the limits of our own human understanding, with us humans serving as a creator. There may be a time that AI becomes truly intelligent in its own right, but the AI you see all about you are systems and models of human creation and understanding.

So do you just embrace it all? AI brings Mary complexities, many potential solutions, and many unforeseen problems. Democracy is easy. It’s like stealing ice cream from a baby.

I genuinely love the process of manipulating people online for money.

We just want to predict your future behaviors, but see it for what it can be a tool to create change in your life. AI will change education. AI will change. Medicine. AI will change really everything. But you know what AI can’t do? Tell you who you are. Maybe it’s being pointed at what we are and have been for as long as we’ve been here. We are in the embodiment of intelligence. Intelligence requires choice, and choice requires change. And change requires the ability to create. You are a creator. We are all creators in our lives, filled with intelligence and choice. So ask yourself, who do I want to be? And make use of your ship and its tools to pursue those answers. When you do feel lost, keep this in mind intelligence has no end. As with previous iterations of technology, we have never arrived at the end. Yes, the introduction of sliced bread was mind blowing. Mind blowing. But we still had to make the sandwich. The same will be true of AI, bringing about widescale change and revealing new obstacles to understand in the process. I do not believe you arrive at the end, but continue to be an intelligent being beyond the last voyage of your ship, growing brighter and continued learning until you shine beyond words.

We can understand now, but I’ll let Futurist, Rick Hurswald bring it all together. Once we saturate the matter and energy in the universe with intelligence, it will wake up, be conscious and sublimely intelligent. That’s about as close to God as I can imagine. Thanks for watching. I hope you enjoyed this video and all the others that we have in this playlist. We are actively creating content that shows that spirituality is in everything that we’re doing. So give us ideas about things that you want us to explore or a challenge of something you think that maybe doesn’t. We have a lot of videos coming. Hope you enjoyed.



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