Video Walk-Through of New Scriptures


You may have heard from several sources that is now live, replacing the old we’ve mentioned previously. The new scriptures are awesome, and Jeff over at has posted a great little video walk-through of all the features (may take a few minutes to load, as it didn’t stream for me):

I agree with Jeff, I think this is great, but can’t wait for these features plus syncing, on mobile devices! If you find the walk-through helpful, as I did, let Jeff know in the comments over at Let us know what you think of the great new features and how you think you’ll use them, below.

  1. @Julia, I think its really up to you how you use them, but the idea is to give you two ways to classify or categorize things. If it were me I'd put everything I found when studying a particular topic (or perhaps for a talk) in a folder. But then I'd give everything I found multiple tags, based on what's in that verse/paragraph, so that if I needed those for same sources for a different topic or study later on, I'd be able to find them based on the tags. Hope this helps.

    @Travis As of now, the iOS and Android versions don't support all these features. But I believe the intention is to bring them all to the mobile world, and it will all sync with your LDS account.

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