Homecoming talks via Facebook Live.
Whole planes full of missionaries coming back to the states.
My Aunt Ronda is so lucky to be assigned as a Delta flight attendant to help bring missionaries of The Church of Jesus Christ home from Manila. There are six planes of missionaries. (only getting a little bit of communication from my Aunt via other family members) I believe about 1100 missionaries departed that country with this group. These flight attendants are working about 40 hours straight to round trip and get these missionaries home. She was so impressed and grateful when one of the Elders asked to say a prayer before takeoff.
Iβm feeling so humbled today with gratitude. So many people helping others. My heart is bursting with love for the mothers of these missionaries. I know how grateful I am to have my children all home. I can only imagine how these mothers will feel when these young men and women are also home safely.
May you have a beautiful day of prayer and worship as we all navigate the world events we are facing. I know God is aware of each one of us. I know He understands us and wants to hear from you. Talk to Him about your worries, concerns and blessings.