VIDEO: Come Follow Me with Living Scriptures: Doctrine & Covenants 3-5 | #ComeFollowMe

VIDEO: Come Follow Me with Living Scriptures: Doctrine & Covenants 3-5 | #ComeFollowMe



An Eye Single to the Glory of God

Doctrine & Covenants 3 -5 | January 18-24

The Lord tells us that we need to “have an eye single to the glory of God” to do His work. That means we need to be selfless and focus on the Lord’s will, not our own. Joseph learned this lesson the hard way.

Joseph was finally able to begin translating the gold plates that Moroni had given him. Martin Harris volunteered to help as a scribe. But Martin’s wife didn’t understand or believe in what Martin was doing. She demanded to see proof of the translation. When Martin asked if he could take the pages of the translation to show his wife, Joseph asked the Lord if that would be allowed. The Lord told him no. Martin kept begging and so Joseph asked again. After several tries, the answer was a conditional, “yes.” But after Martin took the pages, they were lost! Joseph lost the ability to translate for a time. The Lord knew this would happen. He had prepared many years before, telling Nephi to keep two sets of plates. Joseph repented and the translation finally continued.

The Lord knows what is best for us. As we follow His commandments and learn to focus on His will instead of our own, we will be blessed and we’ll be able to help others. We’re promised that if we are faithful in keeping God’s commandments, we’ll be lifted up at the last day.


Read and Discuss


Doctrine & Covenants 4:4–5

“For behold the field is white already to harvest; and lo, he that thrusteth in his sickle with his might, the same layeth up in store that he perisheth not, but bringeth salvation to his soul; And faith, hope, charity and love, with an eye single to the glory of God, qualify him for the work.”

  • What does it mean to keep our “eye single to the glory of God”?
  • How can we learn what the Lord wants us to do?
  • How are we blessed when we keep the commandments?
  • When we make mistakes, how can we make things right?


“When our eyes are fixed on God’s glory, we feel the majesty of His creations and the grand scope of His work on this earth. We feel humble to be participants in His latter-day kingdom. If we pause and quietly reflect on our role in all of this, we will come to know that placing our egos and our vain ambitions on the sacrificial altar is one of the most important offerings we can ever make.” Marlin K. Jensen

View past lessons & resourcesΒ on our website.


More Resources


Seeing Clearly

Make two sets of glasses and talk about how we can see more clearly when we focus on the Lord than if we focus only on ourselves.


H’ear’ and Obey Cookies

Joseph Smith learned that as we learn to hear and obey the word of the Lord, He will bless us and protect us. These cookies will remind you that listening to the Lord makes life sweeter!


I Will Follow God’s Plan,Β Children’s Songbook page 164

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