VIDEO: Come Follow Me with Living Scriptures (Dec 18-24) Matthew 2, Luke 2 THE CHRISTMAS STORY | Line Upon Line

VIDEO: Come Follow Me with Living Scriptures (Dec 18-24) Matthew 2, Luke 2 THE CHRISTMAS STORY | Line Upon Line




Hey there, folks! Today, I want to take you on a journey back in time to a very special event that changed the world as we know it. We’re diving into the story of Joseph,, and the birth of Jesus Christ. It’s a tale filled with adventure, hardship, and ultimately, the arrival of the savior of the world.

So picture this: Joseph and Mary are on a 90-mile journey to Bethlehem, and Mary is about to give birth. Can you imagine the stress and anxiety they must have felt? But despite the challenges, they find themselves in a humble stable, where Jesus, the creator of the world, is born. It’s not the glorious welcome you’d expect for a king, but it sets the stage for the incredible journey ahead.

Meanwhile, shepherds in the fields are visited by an angel, who brings them the good news of the birth of the savior. Can you imagine their surprise and wonder? And then there are the wise men, or magi, who travel from afar to visit the Christ child, guided by a miraculous star. Their gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh symbolize the significance of this newborn king.

But the story isn’t all joy and celebration. King Herod, jealous and threatened by the news of a new king, seeks to destroy Jesus. This leads Joseph and Mary to flee to Egypt to protect their child. It’s a reminder of the challenges and dangers they faced, even in the midst of such a miraculous event.

As Jesus grows up, we see glimpses of his wisdom and understanding, even at a young age. The story of his family’s journey, the shepherds, the wise men, and the challenges they faced, all point to the incredible significance of this moment in history. It’s a story of hope, faith, and the promise of a better future for all.

So, as we reflect on this extraordinary tale, let’s remember the message of hope and love that it brings. It’s a reminder that in the midst of hardship and uncertainty, there is always the promise of something greater. The birth of Jesus Christ is a symbol of hope and new beginnings, and it’s a story that continues to inspire and uplift us today.

In conclusion, the story of Joseph, Mary, and the birth of Jesus is a timeless tale of perseverance, faith, and the power of love. It’s a reminder that even in the most humble and unexpected circumstances, miracles can happen. As we celebrate this season, let’s hold onto the message of hope and the promise of a brighter future that this story brings.



And it came to pass in those days that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be taxed. Joseph is about to be the stepfather of the son of God. But first he’s got to get through a 90 miles journey to Bethlehem with a pregnant wife, rejection by friends and family, strangers invading their space, and a wicked king who will kill children to keep his power. But Joseph isn’t alone. Wise men and women are by his side. Revelation streams down from heaven. Somehow they make it through. Now Joseph and Mary arrive in Bethlehem, the city of David. But there’s no room in the inns, and we aren’t talking about best Middle Eastern hotels, mind you. It’s likely that they had family in Bethlehem, but perhaps they weren’t comfortable with the unique nature of Mary’s pregnancy. Either way, Mary and Joseph end up with animals in a not so clean stable. Jesus Christ, the creator of the world, is finally here. But instead of a glorious welcome, he’s laid in a humble feeding trough. Meanwhile, shepherds nearby are watching over sheep, the very same sheep that are used at Passover as a symbol of the eventual sacrifice of Christ.

And these shepherds are more than just babysitters. They’re staying up all night defending their flocks from dangers. Lions and tigers and bears. Oh, my. But these tough guys are scared as an angel appears. Fear not, he says, and tells them of the newborn savior. Suddenly, a choir of angels sings glory to God. Perhaps you and I were part of that choir long ago. So the shepherds find the babe lying in a manger. As the keepers of the temple sheep, these guys recognized the significance of this baby. That night, they watched over the great Passover lamb himself. And perhaps Mary and Joseph began to understand more of the amazing things to come, something that Mary can ponder and keep with herself. The shepherds don’t stay too long. They immediately go out and tell everyone they can. But being lowly members of society, they were likely ignored by many or not even believed. According to the law of Moses, Mary waits 40 days to be restored. Once that waiting period is finished, however, she and Joseph faithfully travel to the temple to present Jesus Christ. Now, tradition says they should bring a lamb to sacrifice, but they can only afford two doves.

They’re too poor to bring a sheep to the temple. Or are they? Jesus Christ, the lamb of God, is the true gift they present at the house of the Lord. Skip ahead about a year and a half. The road is long, difficult and dangerous. But the wise men, or magi, finally arrive in Judea to visit the Christ child. Unsure of their final stop, the magi stop in and ask King Herod for directions to the baby who is to be king of the Jews. Yeah, don’t they know that king Herod is jealous of anything and anyone? But Herod plays it cool and asks his experts.

Oh, got it.

A prophecy in Micah directs them to Bethlehem. Herod tells the wise men to find Jesus for him and alert him of the child’s location for no bad reason. I mean, the magi find Jesus and bring gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. Surely helpful to a family in financial straits. The gifts are also symbolic. The gold for Jesus being the king of the Jews. Frankincense, an incense used in religious rites for his divinity. And myrrh, an embalming agent signifying his eventual death and resurrection. After their visit, the magi are told by God in a dream not to trust Herod and exit Judea another way. Frustrated, Herod is left without clear direction of where Jesus is being kept. Then another dream comes. This time to Joseph. Get out while you still can. So Joseph and Mary flee to Egypt. Bronto, good idea to follow the Lord’s counsel. Things get a lot hairier when they’re gone. The family lives in Egypt until Herod dies and it’s safe to return to Judea. And good old Matthew reminds us this fulfills another prophecy, that the savior will come out of Egypt. This follows the pattern of Moses, who led the Israelites out of egyptian bondage.

But unlike Moses, Christ frees us more than just physical Slavery. He breaks the bonds of sin and death. Back in Nazareth, Jesus Christ and his siblings are raised as practicing Jews. His family following the law of Moses, they go to synagogue and visit Jerusalem every passover. When he’s twelve, the family takes their yearly trip again. But on the return journey, Jesus is nowhere to be found.


Joseph and Mary return to Jerusalem and search for three days. Can you imagine your parents losing your brother for three days?


Eventually they find him and of course he’s in the temple teaching others and impressing them with his understanding. His response to Mary and Joseph is surprising. Did you not know that? I must be about my father’s business? Wow. Even at twelve years old, Jesus was prioritizing his heavenly Father’s plan. If we were to ask Mary and Joseph where we can find Christ today, perhaps they’d tell us the temple is a great place to start. Jesus continues to grow up, increasing in four distinct ways. Wisdom, stature, favor with man and favor with God. Even though he’s the savior of the world. Jesus Christ still needs to grow. Something that we all do throughout the course of our lives. The magi, the shepherds, Joseph and Mary, and Jesus himself are all great examples of sacrificing time and effort to draw nearer to God. As difficult as it is, if we receive and follow his guidance, our paths will become clear. And then maybe we can be some of those wise men and women that still seek Christ today.

Simeon, old man, why are you here?

I’m looking for the messiah. The redeemer of Israel, the king of the Jews. I have been promised by the Holy Spirit that I would see Christ the Lord before I die.

These stupid people, they keep looking for a messiah. I, King Herod, I am their messiah. No, I don’t want you to kill the old man. Just watch him. If he ever claims to find this messiah, then the killing will start.

Nah, nah, nah, nah lad is with you.

And you are blessed among women.

Why do you greet me like this, sir?

Oh, don’t be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. You will bring forth a son. His name will be Jesus Christ.

A son?

He will be called a son of the highest. And the Lord God will give him the throne of his father, David, and he will reign forever.

But how can this be? I am engaged to Joseph the carpenter, and we’re not even married yet.

The holy child you will bear is the son of God. For with God, nothing is impossible.

I am the Lord’s willing servant, sir. Let it happen. As you say,


Oh, Mary.

Come in, Joseph, I have something to tell you. I have to explain.

I know everything, Mary. The angel came to me last night. Baby’s name will be Jesus.

Oh, Joseph, I was so afraid you’d be angry.

I will be your husband, just as we’ve always planned. And I will love the child as if you are my own son.

I must thank my father for choosing you as my husband.

Hear me, people of Nazareth. A proclamation. Hear me, people of Jerusalem. A decree from Caesar Augustus. All the world must be counted and taxed. Every man must go to the city of his birth. There he will be counted and taxed.

Bethlehem is just too far away, Mary.

But we have no choice.

I know, but it’s not safe for you to travel. What if the baby is born along the way?

Then you’ll just have to pay the tax for three instead of two.

Joseph, I think the baby is coming.

Oh, no. We’re almost to Bethlehem. Do we have time?

A little longer, I think.

Don’t bother me.

There’s no room?

Here, sir, my wife is.

All the inns seem to be full.

Don’t worry, Mary. We’ll find a place.

To you. I’ll get your book.

Ho, there. Innkeeper.

What? Oh, no. I’m sorry, my friend, as you can see. And I’m full up. Hey, innkeeper, where’s my drink? Forgive me, my mistake. Thank you for your patience. Well, not even an inch of fly. I have to walk on my toes to get to the door. Now, goodbye. But, sir, perhaps you’d like to move your hand. You’re blocking the door.

Please. Please, sir. My wife, the baby is about to.

What do you expect me to do, build a room on the back of the Internet?

But my wife. The baby.

Read my lips. No. Rome.


A baby? Did you say she’s about to have a baby? Well, now, I do have a place for you. At least it’s warm and safe. It isn’t a proper room, really. It’s practically a stable. What am I saying? It is a stable. Our new stable is much, much nicer. But it’s full. Well, guess. Horses and donkeys. We just keep the household animals here in the old stable. It’s a cave, in fact, but it’s warm and there’s clean straw.

We’re grateful to you, sir.

I just can’t say no to anybody, can I? This is no way to run a business. People having babies in stables. I’m out of my mind.

Mary, don’t be afraid.

I’m not. I have you by my side.

Jesus. Do you know that’s your name? Do you know who you are? You’re here at last. That’s all that matters. Sleep now, Mary. He’s a strong, beautiful boy. Sleep.

Look at all those lights in Bethlehem. The city’s never been so excited.

Hush, dog.

We’re trying to sleep.

All those people from faraway places. Think of all the stories they’re telling.

The stories are all the same. The true tales are all boring. And the good tales, they’re just lies.

Well, still, I wish I were up there.

You better get used to it, young fellow. Nothing important has ever happened in Bethlehem.

Now go to sleep.

Fear not. I bring you good tidings of great joy. A message for all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David, a savior, which is Christ the Lord. And this will be a sign for you. You will find the baby wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.

The higher glory to God in the highest.

We must go to the city at once.

But what about the flock?

Oh, the sheep will be safe enough. Tonight, the savior of the world was born.

Holy to God in the God in the

God is I am. Glory, glory, glory.

Could it be?

Let me see it again. Well, it is a new star. Is this the sign we’ve been watching for it has happened. The birth of the king of heaven. You can do what you like, my friends, but I want to see this king before I die. Let us bring him gifts. The gold of Persia. The sweet smelling frankincense of Abyssinia. The myrrh of India. Yes, for the newborn king. We have a long journey ahead of us. May God speed us on our way.


Careful that we’re gonna get a break.

Stop, sir. Please stop. Sir. Please let us buy. We’ve come to present our newborn child at the temple. May I look at your sweet baby?

His name is Jesus Christ.

I know this child. The messiah. He is born.

Is it him? Can it be?

Oh, you sweet child. You precious lamb. All you here at the temple today give thanks to the lord. Oh, if you look for redemption, here he is, the redeemer.

Lord. Now you can let me die in peace. For my eyes have seen salvation.

A baby? This messiah is a baby. What could I possibly fear from a baby? But babies grow up, don’t they?

They grow so quickly. Yes, they do. They do. No.

You didn’t have to find out who this baby’s parents are, did you? Well, then maybe you found out where this baby lived. Fool. Welcome the great men of the east.


What brings you to Palestine?

We’ve come searching among the Jews to find him who was born to be king. We saw his star in the east, the sign of his birth. And we have come to worship him.

A newborn king of the Jews.

What wonderful news.


What is it? King Heron. I mean, why do you summon me, my lord king?

Get up. Get up.

Didn’t you hear?

What my honored guests are looking for the messiah.

Right. The one who is born king of the Jews.

Just where is this messiah supposed to be?


Born. Oh, this could be the one. Oh, that’s not it. Oh, perhaps this is the one. Ah, I got it. Let me see. World fallen into sin. No, that’s not. No hope except in him. Woe be unto them they came to pass. Here it is. Bethlehem.


Oh, yes. Just a little town just south of Jerusalem called the city of Daisy. Not far, that’s the place.

Thank you. You’ve been very helpful.

Go, my friends, find this newborn king. And bring me word so that I.

Too may go and worship him. O gladly, King Herod. Peace be unto you. Peace. Peace be unto you, too. Anu. King. We have seen the star and followed it here. May we see the child of prophecy? We have come to honor him.

Please come in.

His name is Jesus. My lord. My king. Master.

Of course. Us. They found him. Why do you think they went home another way? It’s all a plot against me. Me. But it won’t work. I tell you. It won’t work. Whoever he is, that boy won’t live long enough to challenge me. Do you understand? I am Herod. That child in Bethlehem must die. Kill him. Kill him. And just to make sure, kill every baby boy.

Joseph, get up. King Herod is searching for the child. To destroy him. You must take the young child and his mother to Egypt. What a strange dream. Mary. Mary, wake up.

What is it, Joseph?

We’re leaving Bethlehem. Now.


They stayed in Egypt until the angel of the Lord told Joseph that Herod was dead. They then returned to Nazareth. And the child grew and waxed strong in spirit, filled with wisdom. And the grace of God was upon him.


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