This film features the experiences of David Whitmer as Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery stay with his family in Fayette, New York, to finish the translation of the Book of Mormon. Among other events, Martin Harris joins David and Oliver as the three become the chosen witnesses of the divinity of the Book of Mormon and the sacred plates from which the book was translated.
Doctrine and Covenants 14–17
“Stand as a Witness”
Joseph Smith’s family and friends sometimes asked him to seek revelation about what God wanted them to do. As you read these revelations, consider what direction God has for you.
Even though the work of translation was progressing well, by May 1829 the situation in Harmony had become more difficult for Joseph, Emma, and Oliver. Hostility from neighbors was growing while support from Emma’s family was waning. Feeling that Harmony was no longer safe, Oliver reached out to a friend who had expressed interest in Joseph’s work: David Whitmer. David lived with his parents and siblings in Fayette, New York, about 100 miles away. He had met Oliver a year earlier, and Oliver had written him several letters since then, sharing his experiences working with the Prophet. Neither David nor anyone in his family had ever met Joseph. But when Oliver asked if he and Joseph might move to the Whitmer home to finish translating the Book of Mormon, the Whitmers readily opened their doors. And the Lord had more in store for the Whitmers than simply housing the Prophet. He had some specific instruction for them, found in Doctrine and Covenants 14–17, and in time they were to become one of the foundational families of the Church and witnesses to the unfolding Restoration.