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“Even among the Lamanites”

People change. God is doing His work. Usually, we get impatient and wonder why His work is taking so almost imperceptibly long. But God changed the hearts of the Lamanites. He changed the heart of Wilbur Cox. He can change the hearts of violent nations currently closed to the Gospel. And He can change the hearts of our friends and ministering assignments.
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Being filled by a tiny bite of bread and a few drops of water

After you break your fast today, ask yourself: which meal was more filling? The generous portions of green bean casserole your wife made? Or the bite of bread and few drops of water you had earlier today when you partook of the Lord’s Supper? In today’s Power in the Book of Mormon post, a “fast thought” about being filled by the Sacrament.
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That time President Nelson fulfilled a prophecy . . .

You know, it’s been a long time since Isaiah, and later Christ Himself, uttered that prophecy. And yet there still aren’t a lot of kings in our sacrament meetings. In fact, it seems that the richer and more powerful a person is, the less likely he is to accept the Gospel. Plus, where are all the kings, anyway? What gives?
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I’m a son of Levi (and you are, too)

This “sons of Levi” verse has always seemed a little confusing to me. I’d heard several people mention this and try and interpret it. But I had just always figured it was just some Old Testament-y prophecy that we’re not going to understand until the Church is a lot larger and includes more people from the Middle East or something. Not something that was super applicable to most modern Church members from Ephraim or Manasseh lines we are today.
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