Put General Conference On Your ePUB Reader


MLH reader Ron wanted to put General Conference on his Sony reader. After reading our article on how to put General Conference on your Kindle, he decided to see if he could successfully convert it to ePUB format. He downloaded Calibre, the e-book conversion and management software, and was able to successfully convert the Kindle General Conference file to ePUB format for his Sony reader. He has kindly provided the file for anyone wanting it.

» Download General Conference in ePUB format

Though the current General Conference is available through the official LDS scriptures app for iPhone and iPad, you could use an app like Stanza to read older General Conferences converted to ePUB in Calibre and read them on iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch, as well as any of the many other ePUB compatible PDA’s, smartphones, etc.

Update: I found out that the Android app Aldiko can read ePUB format. So all you’ll need to do is put this on your phone in the eBooks/import/ folder (once Aldiko is installed), then from the home screen of the app, hit your menu button, then the import option. You have to select “okay”/”import” once or twice, then it will make any ePUB books in that folder available for you to read on your Android phone or other device.

Let us know if you’ve converted, or know of any site that offer various LDS literature in any of the various eBook formats.

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