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October 2023 General Conference sessions | Sunday, October 1, 2023




Summaries from each of Saturday’s three general conference sessions

On Saturday, seven members of the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles spoke, along with three organizational leaders and eight General Authority Seventies. Read what was taught in the morningafternoon and evening sessions.

Church leaders testify in October general conference of divine identity and the need to focus on Jesus Christ

Among many topics addressed by speakers in Saturday’s general conference sessions were the significance of understanding divine identity and building faith in the Savior Jesus Christ.

Music & the Spoken Word: Steps toward Him

‘Our steps may be unsteady at times, but if they are steps toward Him, the journey can be sweet and the destination glorious,’ Lloyd Newell says in Sunday’s episode of Music & the Spoken Word.


Music and Spoken Word 

Hymn: Gently Raise the Sacred Strain

Hymn: Press Forward, Saints

Hymn: Awake and Arise, All Ye Children of Light

Hymn: Because of Him

Hymn: Jesus Loves Me (Organ Solo)

Hymn: Dearest Children, God Is near You

Spoken Word: Lloyd D Newell


 Every so often, life gives us little moments that help us understand some of the meaning behind the words “Dearest children, God is near you.” A toddler lets go of your finger and takes her first few steps on her own. Years later, you watch with some pride but also some concern as she walks through the doors on her first day of school—and every day thereafter. And then, finally, those feelings return as she heads out to establish her own home and start the process over again with her own family. With each step, she grows more independent and strong. Yet she forever remains your beloved child.


That must be a little like the way our Heavenly Father feels about us. He knew that we needed to leave His presence for a time to learn and grow through our own choices, our own experiences. And yet He’s never really that far away. We may need the experience of stumbling on unsteady feet, of stretching our minds with challenging information, or of having our hearts broken through difficult challenges. But we also need to know that through it all we remain His beloved children—that He is near us and we don’t face any of those challenges alone. He can lift us to our feet again. He can shine the light of truth on our confusion. And He can heal our wounded heart.


Of course, we cannot expect our Father in Heaven to make our problems disappear. Without friction, there is no forward motion. Without resistance, we build no strength. But because we know that God is our Father, we also know that He isn’t trying to trick us or trap us or trip us up. He wants us to be happy; He wants us to succeed.


He so loved us that He gave us a Savior. In a world of discouragement, of doubt and discord, He gave us commandments to love Him and one another. Our steps may be unsteady at times, but if they are steps toward Him, the journey can be sweet and the destination glorious.


In the words of a beloved hymn:


Jesus, the very thought of thee

With sweetness fills my breast;

But sweeter far thy face to see

And in thy presence rest.


Moral of today’s Spoken Word:  Like a toddler learning to walk, our lives are filled with stumbles, falls, pain, and uncertainty. But God is there, standing by with love and light to lift us to our feet again.


Hymn: Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee

Hymn: Let Us All Press On

Hymn: God Be With You ‘Til We Meet Again

Sunday Morning Session 

Hymn: (Hymn) – Sweet is the Work

Conducting: President Dallin H. Oaks – 1st Counselor in the 1st Presidency

Hymn: (Hymn) – Hymn (#)

Invocation: Elder Sean Douglas – General Authority 70

Hymn: I’m Trying to Be Like Jesus


Notes: President Nelson is watching from home due to a fall several weeks ago. Elder Holland is also absent due to health concerns.

Talk: President M. Russell Ballard – Acting President of the Quorum of the 12

The Prophet Joseph Smith

  • Gratitude for Joseph Smith who desired to know what he needed to do to have his sins forgiven and found the courage to pray out loud for the first time in the Sacred Grove..
  • “Joseph, This is MY Beloved Son – Hear Him.” and thus began the restoration of the fulness of the everlasting gospel of Jesus Christ.
  • We know who god is and who the savior is because Joseph as a boy sought out for the truth. 
    • Ask and it will be given you, seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you
  • The reason we do is because of Joseph Smith who as a boy went to a grove and saw both
  • Joseph Smith is a vessel through which the fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ has been restored to the earth
  • The Book of Mormon is a Gift to the church and to the world. 
  • We have The Book of Mormon. 
    • What a marvelous gift that book is to the church. 
    • Another testament that Jesus is the Christ. 
    • We have it because Joseph was worthy to go get the plates and was inspired to translate them by the gift and power of God
  • Our Heavenly Father and the Lord Jesus Christ have revealed themselves in this latter-day.
  • There are many things we know now because Joseph went into that grove of trees. 
  •  Challenge
    • Read The Book of Mormon.
    • Consider it’s complexity and depth.
    • Ask yourself the following question
      • “Do I believe Joseph Smith fabricated this, all within a ~2 month time period?”
  •  The understanding of the purpose of life, who we are. We know who God is, we know who the Savior is, because we had Joseph, who went into a grove of trees as a boy, seeking really a forgiveness for his sins. 
  • Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are “abundantly blessed” because of the Prophet Joseph Smith. 
    • My message this morning is simple. 
    • It is deep. 
    • And it is full of love for the Prophet Joseph Smith.
  • For almost 50 years as a general authority, President Ballard has traveled the world, looking into the faces of Latter-day Saints and testifying of the divinity of Jesus Christ and His Church. 
    • He has also testified of the “glorious responsibility” of Joseph Smith, who restored the Savior’s Church to the earth. 
  • Knowing that God the Father and Jesus Christ revealed themselves to Joseph Smith is “one of the most glorious and wonderful things that anyone in this world can know.”
  • Now at a time when his “eyes are failing him,” and he can no longer read from a teleprompter, President Ballard said he has thought often of the Prophet of the Restoration.  
  • We thank the Lord for Joseph Smith and for his courage to go into that grove of trees.
  • Because of Joseph Smith, Latter-day Saints have the Book of Mormon, know the purpose of life and have many other abundant blessings.
  • As a result, all should commit to “increase our commitment” to serve Jesus Christ and to keep His commandments. “Wherever you are in this world, may God bless you.”
  • My message this morning is simple. 
    • It is deep. 
    • And it is full of love for the Prophet Joseph Smith.
  •  know that our Heavenly Father and the Lord Jesus Christ appeared and spoke to Joseph and prepared him … to restore the fullness of the everlasting gospel.
  • Because we have Joseph Smith, the Prophet of this last dispensation of time, we have the Book of Mormon. 
    • What a marvelous, wonderful gift the Book of Mormon is to the membership of the Church. 

Talk: President Emily Belle Freeman – Young Woman General President

Walking in Covenant Relationship With Christ

  • Walking the Jesus trail – nothing prevents me [us] from trying!
  • She received help to accomplish this huge task.  
    • She did not walk alone
  • Walk with me! 
    • We are not asked to face our challenges alone. 
    • He invites us to walk with Him. 
  •  God will keep us safe and bring us Home again
  •  5 Finger Promise
    • 1.) I am with you
    • 2.) I will keep you safe
    • 3.) I will bring you home again
    • 4.) I will not leave you
    • 5.) I will keep my promise
  •  As we walk the covenant path, He walks with us. 
  • Covenants are about relationships… Our relationship with our God. 
  • Like a marriage covenant – it is a relationship. 
  • Just as He did for Jacob, the Lord will answer each of us in our day of distress if we choose to tether our life with His. 
    • He has promised to walk with us in the way
  • Jesus Christ will meet us where we are–as we are.
  • His is a mission of condensation. 
    • He will meet us where we are. 
    • It is also a mission of ascension. 
  • We look forward to the promised day when Jesus comes again
  • We want to live in committed covenant relationship with Jesus
  • Begin where you are
  • Pace or placement on the covenant path is not as important as progress 
  • Invest in the relationship by covenanting with Him 
  • We can learn in the rising generation
  • As we share our personal experience with Christ, we will strengthen personal devotion
  • No matter the heaviness of our story, or the current course of our path, He will invite us to walk with Him
  • President Freeman broke her ankle before a trip to Israel but was able to walk a trail with the help of a rope and a guide. Jesus Christ does not ask anyone to face challenges alone. “No matter the heaviness of our story, or the current course of our path, He will invite us to walk with Him.”
  • This is the covenant path, beginning with baptism and continuing in the temple. 
    • A covenant is a contract and a relationship. 
    • Conditions have been set, and there are expectations along the way. 
  • His is a mission of condescension. 
    • Jesus Christ will meet us where we are as we are. 
    • His is also a mission of ascension. 
    • He will work within us to lift us up to where He is and, in the process, enable us to become as He is.
  • Some people have asked why they should walk the path or go to the temple or wear the garment. 
    • The answer depends on what degree of relationship they want to experience with Jesus Christ.
  • Start by learning of Him. 
    • Then invest in the relationship by entering into covenant with Him. 
    • No matter what age or condition, all can walk with Him.
  • A covenant is not only about a contract, although that is important. 
    • It’s about a relationship.
  • He will work within us to lift us up to where He is and, in the process, enable us to become as He is.
  • Learn more of Him. Invest in the relationship by entering into covenant with Him. 
    • It doesn’t matter your age or your condition, you can walk with Him. 


Talk: Elder Adilson De Paula Parrella – General Authority 70

Bearing Witness of Jesus Christ in Word and Actions

  • Sharing testimony of Jesus Christ
  • 2 Examples of sharing 
    • Small branch in Spain
      • Sister Parrella made a new friend. 
      • I love to come here because you speak of Jesus Christ in your meetings. 
    • Church HQ
      • Attended new ward. 
      • Fast and Testimony Meeting
        • Meeting was centered on Christ
        • Faith was strengthened.   
        • Those attending would have recognized this as the “church of Christ. 
  • When we speak of Christ others will see that this truly is the Church Of Jesus Christ. 
  • When we humbly share our testimony of the Lord through our words and actions, the Holy Ghost confirms to those with real intent, open hearts, and willing minds that Jesus is indeed the Christ 
  •  We bare testimony of Jesus Christ through our actions and example.
  • As we strive to live our lives in harmony with the gospel of Jesus Christ, our conduct will be a living testimony of our Redeemer and His name 
  • One of the promises Latter-day Saints make at baptism is to take upon them the name of Christ. One way to do that is to often bear testimony in word and action that Jesus is the Christ.
  • As we strive to live our lives in harmony with the gospel of Jesus Christ, our conduct will be a living testimony of our Redeemer and His name.
  • When one bears testimony of the Lord through word and action, “the Holy Ghost confirms to those with real intent, open hearts and willing minds that Jesus is indeed the Christ.”
  • Church meetings, especially fast and testimony meetings, “are choice opportunities for us to testify of Christ and signal to God that we rejoice in taking His Son’s name upon us.”
  • In October 2018, President Russell M. Nelson invited everyone to use the correct name of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 
  • Speaking the full name of the Church with intent gives valuable opportunities to bear testimony of the Savior, more frequently remember Jesus Christ and feel His influence.
  • By following the Prophet, we can all learn to testify more of Jesus Christ by using the correct name of the Church, thus taking upon us more fully the name of the Lord.
  • As we strive to live our lives in harmony with the gospel of Jesus Christ, our conduct will be a living testimony of our Redeemer and His name.
  • When we humbly share our testimony of the Lord through our words and actions, the Holy Ghost confirms to those with real intent, open hearts and willing minds that Jesus is indeed the Christ.
  • By following the Prophet, we can all learn to testify more of Jesus Christ by using the correct name of the Church, thus taking upon us more fully the name of the Lord.


Talk: Elder Quentin L Cook – Quorum of the 12

Be Peaceable Followers of Christ

  •  …graduate to the other side of the veil…
  •  We are blessed with Agency
  • This is our time to prepare to meet God. 
  • We have the privilege to be members if His church. 
  • Like it wasn’t easy for the Savior, it is not easy for us as His followers. 
  • …somber enclaves of like-minded participants…
  • We love, share, and Invite others to share in the blessings of the gospel.  
  •   Clearly, our heavenly destiny is not altered when we suffer adversity. 
    • In Hebrews, we are counseled to “…come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.” (Hebrews 4:16)
  • Why does God allow bad things to happen to good people?
    • Jesus has descended below all things.  
    • Art thou better than Him?
  • For those of us in the Church striving to be “peaceable followers of Christ,” a brighter day awaits us as we focus on our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. 
  • The scriptures are clear. 
    • Peaceable followers of Christ who are righteous follow the Savior and keep His commandments will be blessed
  • Jesus Christ is the author of eternal salvation 
  • Clearly, our heavenly destiny is not altered when we suffer adversity.
  • A loving Father in Heaven and His Son, Jesus Christ, who is the head of His restored Church, have provided us scriptures and prophets to prepare us, warn us about dangers, and give us guidance to prepare and protect us.
  • We do not know all the answers, however we do know important principles that allow us to face trials, tribulation, and adversities with faith and confidence in a bright future that awaits for each of usNew edition of Preach My Gospel. 
    • Emphasizes the Atonement of Jesus Christ. 
    • He knows how to succor each of us. 
  • Quoting the second edition of Preach My Gospel, He invites, “come unto me,” and as we do, He gives us rest, hope, strength, perspective and healing
  • We are blessed with agency; it has never been easy. 
    • Many placate themselves with the “philosophies of men”
  • All that is unfair in life can be made right through the atonement of Jesus Christ. 
  • Give heed to the words of the prophets. (Preface to D&C 1)
  • Prepare ye, Prepare ye for that which is to come. 
  • 2 admonitions
    • 1. Praise the Lord
    • 2. Look to Him for supplication
  • The final line of a perceptive hymn conveys the ultimate answer in a beautiful fashion: Earth has no sorrow that Heaven cannot heal (last line of Hymn #115) Come, Ye Disconsolate 
  • It has never been easy for followers of Jesus Christ. 
    • Those who believe in, worship and testify of Him have always experienced trials, tribulation and adversities. 
    • As part of God’s great plan of salvation and exaltation, His children are blessed with agency and subject to the trials of mortality. Mormon, quoted by his son, Moroni, commended “the peaceable followers of Christ … because of your peaceable walk with the children of men” (Moroni 7:3–4). 
  • For those striving to be “peaceable followers of Christ,” a brighter day awaits as one focuses on Him. 
    • We do not know all the answers; however, we do know important principles that allow us to face trials, tribulation and adversities with faith and confidence in a bright future that awaits for each of us.
  • God knows and loves His children personally and understands their suffering perfectly. 
    • Jesus Christ is the Savior and Redeemer of the world. 
    • He invites, ‘Come unto me,’ and as we do, He gives us rest, hope, strength, perspective and healing” (“Preach My Gospel” second edition).
  • As an Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ, I testify that peaceable followers of Christ will find personal peace in this life and a glorious heavenly reunion.
  • The scriptures are clear: ‘Peaceable followers of Christ’ who are righteous, follow the Savior and keep His commandments will be blessed.
  • The final line of a perceptive hymn conveys the ultimate answer in a beautiful fashion: ‘Earth has no sorrow that heav’n cannot heal.’
  • As an Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ, I testify that ‘peaceable followers of Christ’ will find personal peace in this life and a glorious heavenly reunion.

Hymn: Come All Ye Children of the Lord

Talk: Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf – Quorum of the 12

The Prodigal and the Road That Leads Home

I wonder if we will get an airplane reference in his talk this time. We had not the past two Conferences.

I like that: 20/20 spiritual vision

  • Lovely rendition of the Prodigal Son with a great message. 
  • The sun has likely not set in the last two millennia without the story of the Prodigal Son being told or referenced somewhere.
  • Had there been social media in that time…
  • It wasn’t just an empty stomach that troubled him. 
    • It was an empty soul. 
    • He had been so sure that giving in to his worldly desires would make him happy.
    • Now he knew better. 
    • Oh, and how, what a price he had to pay for that knowledge! 
  •  All that I have is yours.  
    • Can’t you allow your prodigal brother one party?
  • Heaven will be joyous when we return
  • Your return will not diminish the blessings of others. 
    • For the Father’s bounty is infinite, and what is given to one does not in the slightest diminish the birthright of others
  • Jesus Christ is our strength
  • We know what it’s like to be a prodigal. 
    • We all rely daily on the same atoning power of Christ. 
    • We know this path, and we will walk with you.
  • Perhaps some may have wondered, “Is it even possible to go back? Will I be labeled forever, rejected, and avoided by my former friends? Is it better to just stay lost? How will God react if I try to return?”
    • This parable gives us the answer.
    • Our Heavenly Father will run to us, His heart overflowing with love and compassion. 
    • He will embrace us, place a robe around our shoulders, a ring on our finger, sandals on our feet, and proclaim, “Today, we celebrate! For my child, who once was dead, has come back to life.” 
  • It is my prayer that each one of us may hear, in this profound parable, the Father’s voice calling us to enter the road that leads home—that we may have the courage to repent, receive forgiveness, and follow the path that leads back to our compassionate and merciful God.
  • No matter what may have happened in your life, I echo and proclaim the words of my beloved friend and fellow apostle Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, “It is not possible for you to sink lower than the infinite light of Christ’s atoning sacrifice shines.”
  • Like all of the Savior’s parables, the story of the prodigal son is not only about people living long ago. 
    • It’s about you and me, today.
  • To those who have wondered if it’s possible to go back or how God will react to their return, this parable gives the answer: 
    • “Our Heavenly Father will run to us, His heart overflowing with love and compassion. 
    • He will embrace us, place a robe around our shoulders, a ring on our finger, sandals on our feet, and proclaim: ‘Today, we celebrate! For my child, who once was dead, has come back to life!’ Heaven will rejoice at our return. …
  • Though choices may have taken you far away from the Savior and His Church, the Master Healer stands at the road that leads home, welcoming you. 
    • And we as members of the Church of Jesus Christ seek to follow His example and embrace you as our brothers and sisters, as our friends. 
    • We rejoice and celebrate with you
  • Everyone relies daily on the same atoning power of Jesus Christ. 
    • The path will not be free from grief, sorrow or sadness. 
    • Together we will ‘press forward with a steadfastness in Christ.’ 
  • Your return will not diminish the blessings of others. 
    • For the Father’s bounty is infinite, and what is given to one does not in the slightest diminish the birthright of others.
  • We know what it’s like to be a prodigal. 
    • We all rely daily on the same atoning power of Christ. 
    • We know this path, and we will walk with you.
  • It is my prayer that each one of us may hear, in this profound parable, the Father’s voice calling us to enter the road that leads home


No airplane reference? Nope. I think he got banned from them by Pres Nelson. 🙂 I enjoyed his airplane references, and this would have been a perfect time for one. #SadPanda

–or he didn’t want to only be known for airplane stories, and got tired of the memes. 

Talk: Bishop W. Christopher Waddell – 1st Counselor, Presiding Bishopric


  • Martin and Willey Handcarts
  • The great rescue. 
  • Pure gospel is going to the needy in their time of need like the Martin-Wiley handcart company that was the last in the snow during the emigration to Utah.  
    • Amazing stories of sacrifice even unto death.  
    • Going and Doing is Christianity
  • Rescuers risked their own lives. 
  • Ephraim Hanks was inspired to go and rescue.   
    • He will forever be a hero. 
  • Are there those in our midst in figurative similar situations?
  • Choosing the right hero has eternal consequences.
  • Hero worship can be dangerous if we look beyond the mark and lose sight of what is essential.  
    • It’s OK to worship baseball cards if we don’t look beyond the mark.
  • It is by choosing Jesus christ the King of Kings that we choose the kingdom of God 
  • Jesus Christ is the ultimate example of a rescuer. 
    • …has done everything…
    • He said “not my will but thine be done.” 
  • The supreme heroic act
    • The atonement culminating in the resurrection. 
  • Do not put the words of politicians, influencers, actors/actresses above the words of Christ 
    • Don’t let them become our golden calves. 
  • Choosing the right hero has eternal consequences.   
  • The hero, our hero, now and always, is Jesus Christ, and anything, or anyone, that distracts us from His teachings, as found in the scriptures and through the words of living prophets can negatively impact our progress on the covenant path
    • No other person or thing can supplant that position in our lives. 
    • We cannot allow another idol or hero to take his place and not be adversely impacted in our spiritual progress 
  • Any other choice is the equivalent of choosing the arm of flesh or the golden calf.
  • Keep the Savior as our center of focus 
    • Not the heroes of the world. 
  • Worshipping the vlogger is not the problem.  
    • It’s worshipping them more than the Savior.
  • Our hero, now and always, is Jesus Christ, and anything, or anyone, that distracts us from His teachings, as found in the scriptures and through the words of living prophets can negatively impact our progress on the covenant path. 
  • There is one that stands above all others.  
  • I testify that Jesus Christ is not only our hero, He is our Lord and King, the Savior and Redeemer of mankind.
  • In a perfect act of obedience and commitment, Jesus Christ completed THE supreme heroic act in all of creation, culminating in His glorious resurrection
  • If you have not chosen the Kingdom of God first, it will, in the end, make no difference what you have chosen instead
  • Although admiring and respecting heroes — like bloggers, influencers, athletes or musicians — can be innocent, revering a hero in excess “can be the equivalent of the children of Israel worshipping a golden calf in the desert of Sinai.”
  • With the Israelites, “the challenge was not the gold that they brought with them on their journey to the promised land, but what they allowed the gold to become. … Their focus on the calf impacted their ability to worship the true God.”
  • However, there is One — who is more than a hero — whom Latter-day Saints must not lose sight of: the Savior. “The hero, now and always, is Jesus Christ, and anything, or anyone, that distracts us from His teachings … can negatively impact our progress on the covenant path.”
  • In perfect obedience and commitment, “Jesus Christ completed the supreme, heroic act in all of creation, culminating in His glorious Resurrection. … No leader has shown more courage, no humanitarian more kindness, no physician has cured more disease and no artist has been more creative than Jesus Christ.”
  • This primary focus on the Lord cannot be dismissed by turning attention to worldly idols. 
    • Choosing the right hero has eternal consequences.
  • In our complex world, it can be tempting to turn to society’s ‘heroes’ in an effort to provide meaning or clarity to life when it may seem confusing or overwhelming. … This might be fine for a temporary diversion, but we must be watchful that this form of hero worship does not become our golden calf.
  • It is by choosing Jesus Christ, the King of Kings, that we choose the Kingdom of God. 
    • Any other choice is the equivalent of choosing the arm of flesh, or a golden calf, and will ultimately fail us.
  • There is only One that is guaranteed to deliver — because He already has and always will.



Hymn: Hark all ye nations

Talk: President Henry Eyring – First Presidency 


  • We’ve been blessed with an outpouring of revelation.
  • A brief letter to my descendants.
  • Lehi and Nephi faced deceptions.
  • Helaman 11:23 And in the seventy and ninth year there began to be much strife. But it came to pass that Nephi and Lehi, and many of their brethren who knew concerning the true points of doctrine, having many revelations daily, therefore they did preach unto the people, insomuch that they did put an end to their strife in that same year.
  • Helaman’s sons were taught and guided by a series of experiences with the Holy Ghost. 
    • This assures me that we can be taught and learn from the Spirit line upon line, receiving what we need, and when we are ready, receiving more.
  • Nephi: I will go and do the things the Lord has commanded (1 Nephhi 3:7)
  • Nephi’s experience with the Holy Ghost while on this errand has given me (Eyring) hope many times as I’ve faced similar errands.
  • Nephi was guided by the spirit minute by minute. 
  • If you are selfish in seeking the Spirit, you will find yourself unable to hear its promptings
  • The key for me and you is to want what the Savior wants
  • We will need the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost
  • We can be taught and learn from the Spirit line upon line, receiving what we need, and then when we are ready, we will receive more
  • Nephi’s experience embarking for the brass plates has given me courage many times when I have embarked on tasks beyond my own experience.
  • We need to be careful not to offend the spirit, leaving us alone
  • Sacrament: That we may always have the spirit to be with us. 
  • Daily repentance and forgiveness is essential to having the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost. 
    • These two amazing gifts of grace allow us to have accommodating hearts wherein the Holy Ghost may dwell
  • Three things to do:
    • 1.) Repent daily.
    • 2.) Pray with faith.
    • 3.) Be cleansed.
  • Review your life for opportunities to repent
    • Daily repentance is the passport to purity.
  • Repentance is the path to purity, and purity is the path to happiness
  • Repentance is the pathway to purity, and purity brings power..
  • Ponder if there is anything that you need to repent of to quality for that constant companionship of the Holy Ghost 
  • We must want it for the right reasons.   
  • The key is to want what the Savior wants. 
    • Our motives need to be driven by the pure love of Christ. 
    • They need to be “All I want is what you want. Thy will be done.” 
  • As we pray, remember the sacrifice of the Savior. 
  • If you have felt the influence of the Holy Ghost today, you may take it as a sweet evidence that the Atonement is working in your life
  •  When a mother asked him for help for her daughter, he found out who her home teacher was. #delegation
  • When I feel distant from the Lord, when answers to my prayers seemed delayed, I have learned to follow the counsel of President Nelson to review my life for opportunities to repent
  • The Lord speaks to us personally through the Holy Ghost. 
    • As we pray and then heed the Spirit’s promptings, we gain greater insights and blessings to guide us through the increasingly difficult days ahead
  • You and I have the opportunity to have the Holy Ghost as our constant companion and to have those truths confirmed as we remember and love the Savior, repent and ask for His love to be in our hearts
  • Let virtue garnish thy thoughts unceasingly; then shall thy confidence wax strong in the presence of God, the Holy Ghost shall be thy constant companion, and thy scepter an unchanging scepter of righteousness and truth


Hymn: Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing

Benediction: Elder Patricio N. Giuffra – General Authority 70


Sunday Afternoon Session 

Conducting: President Henry B. Eyring – 2nd Counselor in the 1st Presidency

Hymn: For All the Saints – Hymn #82

Invocation: Elder Michael A. Dunn – General Authority 70


Notes: President Nelson is watching from home due to a fall several weeks ago. Elder Holland is also absent due to health concerns.

Talk: Elder Dale G. Renlund – Quorum of the 12

Jesus Christ Is the Treasure

  • During Jesus’s mortal ministry, many people looked beyond the mark and waited for someone else to save them
  • Finding King Tut’s tomb right beneath their feet. 
    • We fail to recognize the blessings of Christ right below our feet.
  • We too can look beyond the mark.
  • Jesus Christ is our mark. 
    • If we incorrectly imagine that there is a need for something beyond what He offers, we deny or diminish the scope and power He can have in our lives 
  • There is nothing we need beyond Christ
  • Do not demand anything beyond what Jesus has offered 
  • Jesus Christ is our treasure. 
  • Sins are cleansed through the power of Jesus Christ through the power of the atonement.   
    • Not through baptism.
  • We shouldn’t take for granted or undervalue what is all around us. 
    • Rather than looking beyond the mark for some extraordinary thing, we should look at what the Lord has put right in our reach 
  •  We are counseled to rely wholly upon Him who is mighty to save.
    • He is our advocate with the father and champions what the father has wanted for us all along.
    • To be inheritors in His kingdom. 
  • Jesus Christ is our treasure.
  • Many new temples have been announced, thus making them more accessible
    • We need not be casual about Temple attendance 
    • When temples are distance, we have to plan
    • When they are close, we might fail to plan. 
    • Flexibility with close temples may cause us to take them for granted. 
    • Our commitment to attend should be at least as strong as it was when they were far away. 
  • We need not look to novel sources for inspiration or guidance. 
    • We must not overlook the power that comes from following a humble prophet of God.
  • When we have the Holy Ghost with us, we’ll be inspired and guided to make and keep other covenants – such as those made in temples. 
  • Doing so deepens our relationship with God. 
  •  When we voluntarily skip sacrament meeting or fail to think on the Savior and His Atonement during Sacrament meeting, we weaken our covenant connection with God
  • Naaman was healed when he stopped looking beyond the mark and obeyed the Lord’s prophet. 
  • When we trust God’s prophet on the earth today, and act on his counsel, we will find happiness, and we, too, can be healed. 
    • We need to look no further.
  •  I encourage you to remember and always focus on Jesus Christ. 
    • He is our Savior and Redeemer, the ‘mark’ to whom we should look, and our greatest treasure
  • Treasure the opportunity to repent, the privilege of partaking of the sacrament, the blessing of making and keeping temple covenants, the delight of worshipping in the temple, and the joy of having a living prophet. 
  • Jesus is the Christ.  
    • He’s our kind, wise, Heavenly friend, and this is His restored church 
  • Searching five fruitless years for King Tut’s burial chamber in Egypt’s Valley of the Kings, an archaeologist realized the only remaining possible location was under his base camp. 
    • Soon, the treasure-laden tomb was discovered.
  • The 1923 discovery can be likened to Jacob’s Book of Mormon prophecy of people in Jerusalem “looking beyond the mark” by not recognizing the promised Messiah.
  • He is our mark. 
    • If we incorrectly imagine that there is a need for something beyond what He offers, we deny or diminish the scope and power He can have in our lives.
    • Jesus Christ is our treasure.
  • The Savior provides many ways to focus on Him intentionally, including the daily opportunity to repent, the weekly retaining a remission of sins through partaking the sacrament, the sanctifying companionship of the Holy Ghost, and the making and keeping of covenants, including temple covenants.
  • Conference messages can help one remember and always focus on Jesus Christ.
  • He is our Savior and Redeemer, the ‘mark’ to whom we should look, and our greatest treasure. 
    • As you come to Him, you will be rewarded with strength to face life’s challenges, courage to do what is right, and the ability to fulfill your mission in mortality.”
  • Jesus Christ is our treasure.
  • He is our mark. 
    • If we incorrectly imagine that there is a need for something beyond what He offers, we deny or diminish the scope and power He can have in our lives.
  • He is our Savior and Redeemer, the ‘mark’ to whom we should look, and our greatest treasure.

Talk: Elder John C. Pingree Jr. – General Authority 70

Eternal Truth

  • Truth is absolute, fixed, and immutable (eternal)
  • Our need to understand truth has never been more important. 
  • God reveals truth to us through a network of revelatory relationships, using Himself, Jesus Christ, the Holy Ghost, Prophets, and us.
  • Truth can lead us to eternal life. 
  • Our need to recognize truth has never been more important.
  • We need to remember that Satan works to keep us from truth. 
    • He knows that without truth, we cannot gain eternal life
  • 1) God is the source of eternal truth. 
    • He and His Son, Jesus Christ, have a perfect understanding of truth and always act in harmony with true principles and laws.
  • 2) Holy Ghost gives all truth
    • He reveals truths to us directly and witnesses of truth taught by others. 
    • Impressions from the Spirit typically come as thoughts to our minds and feelings to our hearts
  • 3) Prophets receive truth from God and pass that truth to us.
    • We learn the truth from past prophets in the scriptures and from living prophets at general conference and through other official channels 
  • 4) God expects us to seek, act, and exercise based on truth. 
    • Our own relationship with God, His Son, the Holy Ghost, and His prophets
  • Without truth we cannot gain eternal life.
  • Does the concept align with scriptures and living prophets?
  • Is the concept confirmed by the impressions of the Holy Ghost?
  • Our ability to receive and apply truth is dependent on the strength of our relationship with the Father and the Son, our responsiveness to the influence of the Holy Ghost and our alignment with latter-day prophets
  • Referenced Joseph and Emma
  • God expects us to seek, recognize, and act on truth. 
    • The Holy Ghost testifies of truth.
  • How should we seek for truth not yet revealed?
  • How can we tell between policy and doctrine?
  • We need to understand the difference between doctrine and policy
    • Doctrine does not change
    • Policy can sometimes change. 
    • If we do not understand the difference, we can become disillusioned.  
  • Love without truth is hollow.
  • Truth has the best chance of blessing another when conveyed with Christlike love.
  • Speak the truth in Love
    • Truth taught without can leave a feeling of judgment. 
    • Love supplies the motivation to act on what is true. 
  • Jesus Christ restored His Church and the truths of the gospel through the Prophet Joseph Smith. 
    • And today, Christ continues to lead us through living prophets and apostles. 
  • Both truth and love are essential for our spiritual development. 
    • Truth provides the doctrine, principles, and laws necessary to gain eternal life, while love engenders the motivation needed to embrace and act upon what is true. 
  •  Our aim is to teach truth in a way that invites the converting power of the Holy Ghost.
  • When seeking truth, it helps to understand the difference between doctrine and policy. 
    • If we do not understand the difference, we risk becoming disillusioned when policies change 
  • We can teach the importance of temple covenants when we speak about the doctrine of celestial marriage, but we model it when we honor our covenants, treating our spouse with dignity. 
  • With an unprecedented amount of information available at all times, knowing where to find truth and how to recognize truth has become an invaluable skill – especially as it relates to eternal progress. 
  • Truth is critical for us to establish and strengthen our relationship with God, find peace and joy, and reach our divine potential.
  • Satan attempts to both keep people from the truth and to distort truth in order to keep people from obtaining eternal life. 
    • Heavenly Father, however, has an established way of conveying truth to His children. 
  • God reveals eternal truth to us through a network of revelatory relationships involving Himself, Jesus Christ, the Holy Ghost, prophets and us.
  • After Heavenly Father has confirmed an eternal truth through that network, He also has an expectation that the truth will be shared in loving ways to help others find their way to Him. 
    • For teachers, parents and leaders, it is important to teach truth in an environment and using methods that invite the Holy Ghost. 
  • Both truth and love are essential for our spiritual development. 
    • Truth provides the doctrine, principles and laws necessary to gain eternal life, while love engenders the motivation needed to embrace and act upon what is true.
  • Our need to recognize truth has never been more important. 
    • Truth is critical for us to establish and strengthen our relationship with God, find peace and joy, and reach our divine potential.
  • God reveals eternal truth to us through a network of revelatory relationships involving Himself, Jesus Christ, the Holy Ghost, prophets and us.
  • Both truth and love are essential for our spiritual development. 
    • Truth provides the doctrine, principles and laws necessary to gain eternal life, while love engenders the motivation needed to embrace and act upon what is true.


Hymn: Tell me the Stories of Jesus

Talk: Elder Valeri V. Cordon- General Authority 70

Divine Parenting Lessons

  • Have you ever held a newborn?
  • Parenting is one of life’s most extraordinary experiences.
  • Parenting lessons found in the scriptures. 
  • We must climb to the higher ground of gospel culture in our families.  
  • The home should be the center of gospel learning – Pres Nelson
  • Ways to establish a gospel culture in our homes
    • 1) teach freely
      • We teach liberally when we follow “come follow me”
      • Do not be timid in establishing a gospel culture in your home.
    • 2) Model discipleship 
      • Set aside distractions can keep the commandment.s 
      • Model gospel experiences 
      • As parents, we can teach the importance of putting God first when we discuss the first commandment, but we model it when we set aside worldly distractions and keep the Sabbath day holy every week 
    • 3) Invite to Act
      • Take charge of our testimony
      • Nurture it so it can grow
      • Avoid false philosophies
  • The purpose of Gospel learning is to strengthen
  •  our relationship with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, and to become like them
  • We need to give up practices and traditions that are contrary to the Gospel culture
  • Jesus Christ is the center of this gospel culture. 
    • Adopting the gospel culture in our families is critical to creating a fertile environment where the seed of faith may flourish.
  • We can teach the importance of temple covenants when we speak about the doctrine of celestial marriage, but we model it when we honor our covenants, treating our spouse with dignity. 
  • As parents, we are God’s agents in the care of our children. 
    • We must do everything we can to create an environment where our children can feel His divine influence
  • We cannot wait for conversion to simply happen to our children. – Joy B. Jones
  • Parents have three crucial responsibilities of teaching freely, modeling discipleship and inviting their children to act. 
  • Jesus Christ is the center of this gospel culture. 
    • Adopting the gospel culture in our families is critical to creating a fertile environment where the seed of faith may flourish.
  • Cultural, historical, geographic and familial traditions and culture are not as important to parenting success as is parenting through the lens of the gospel of Jesus Christ. 
  • As parents, we can teach the importance of putting God first when we discuss the first commandment, but we model it when we set aside worldly distractions and keep the Sabbath day holy every week,” 
    • We can teach the importance of temple covenants when we speak about the doctrine of celestial marriage, but we model it when we honor our covenants, treating our spouse with dignity.
  • Part of correct modeling as parents also includes avoiding the inclusion of incorrect teachings — especially those promoted by people who don’t believe in God and His plan. 
  • As parents, we are God’s agents in the care of our children. 
    • We must do everything we can to create an environment where our children can feel His divine influence.
  • Jesus Christ is the center of this gospel culture. 
    • Adopting the gospel culture in our families is critical to creating a fertile environment where the seed of faith may flourish.
  • We can teach the importance of putting God first when we discuss the first commandment, but we model it when we set aside worldly distractions and keep the Sabbath day holy every week.
  • As parents, we are God’s agents in the care of our children. 
    • We must do everything we can to create an environment where our children can feel His divine influence.
  • Our love and inspired invitations [as parents] can make a difference in how our children use their agency

Talk: Elder J. Kimo Esplin – General Authority 70

The Savior’s Healing Power “Upon the Isles of the Sea”

  •  Temple covenants are a gift from Heavenly Father 
  •  …creatures [caught] from a nearby stream?
  •  “Japanese Saints Sing” album
  • Temple trip from Japan to Hawaii
    • Temple excursions from Japan to Hawaii continued regularly until the Tokyo Japan Temple was dedicated in 1980, becoming the 18th temple in operation.
  • Mission President was a veteran of the Okinawa war
  • The reward for keeping covenants is Heavenly power.
  • Temple covenants are gifts from our Heavenly Father to the faithful followers of His Son Jesus Christ
    • Through the temple, our Heavenly Father binds individuals and families to the Savior and each other
  • I am grateful to witness the ongoing fulfillment of the Lord’s promise that the time shall come when the knowledge of a Savior shall spread throughout every nation, kindred, tongue, and people
  • Through temple blessings, the Savior heals individuals, families, and nations — even those that once stood as bitter enemies
  • Through blessings of the temple, “the Savior heals individuals, families and nations — even those that once stood as bitter enemies.” 
    • One example is a sister from Okinawa, Japan.
  • In 1945, more than 240,000 people died amid the Battle of Okinawa. 
    • In a desperate attempt to escape the onslaught, this Okinawan woman and her husband and their two small children sought refuge in a mountain cave. 
    • They endured unspeakable misery through the ensuing weeks and months.”
  • After the war, this woman sought answers about God. 
    • Two sister missionaries from the Church of Jesus Christ came to her house one day and taught about the spirit world.
  • She was captivated by the teaching that her parents could choose to follow Jesus Christ after death and accept baptism performed on their behalf in holy places called temples.
    • The Okinawan Latter-day Saint and her family were baptized.
  • Later, as a widow, she traveled 10,000 miles to the Laie Hawaii Temple. 
    • She shed tears of joy as she acted as a proxy for her mother’s baptism and was sealed to her deceased husband.
  • Temple covenants bind individuals and families to the Savior. 
    • This is the Savior’s work, and temples are His holy house.
  • Temple covenants are gifts from our Heavenly Father to the faithful followers of His Son, Jesus Christ.
  • Through the temple, our Heavenly Father binds individuals and families to the Savior and to each other.
  • Through temple blessings, the Savior heals individuals, families and nations — even those that once stood as bitter enemies.
  • I am grateful to witness the ongoing fulfillment of the Lord’s promise that ‘the time shall come when the knowledge of a Savior shall spread throughout every nation, kindred, tongue and people’ (Mosiah 3:20), including to those ‘upon the isles of the sea’ (2 Nephi 29:7).

Hymn: Rejoice the Lord is King

Talk: Elder Garrett W. Gong – Quorum of the 12

Love Is Spoken Here

  •  Each covenant whispers, Love is spoken here.
  •  Today, let us speak of three languages of gospel love – the language of warmth and reverence, the language of service and sacrifice and the language of covenant belonging
  • Sometimes we need to know love spoken here is heard and appreciated here 
  • We use reverent prayer language when we speak with Heavenly Father 
  • There are many ways we can do love to those around us. 
    • No sacrifice goes unnoticed 
  • Let us always speak with warm and reverent gratitude for God’s work and glory and the mercy, merits and grace of Jesus Christ and His atoning sacrifice 
  • Calls to serve the Lord and each other in His Church give opportunity to increase in compassion, capacity and humility.
  • Of course, the changing circumstances and seasons of our lives may affect our ability to serve, but hopefully never our desire. 
    • With King Benjamin, we say, “if I had I would give,” and offer all we can.
  • Minster with our hearts 
  • When we serve and sacrifice in the Gospel together, we find fewer faults
  • The Lord’s restored Church can be an incubator for a Zion community. 
    • As we worship, serve, enjoy and learn his love together, we anchor each other in His gospel
  • The three languages of gospel love
    • Warmth and reverence 
    • Service and sacrifice 
    • Covenant belonging
      • Can heal and sanctify our most cherished relationships.
  • Perfect love casteth out fear.  
    • Faith, service, and sacrifice draw us beyond ourselves and closer to our Savior.
  • The more compassionate, faithful and selfless our service and sacrifice are in Him, the more we may begin to fathom Jesus Christ’s atoning compassion and grace for us
  • I promise that love is spoken here, there, and everywhere as we answer yes to church leaders to serve the Lord in his Church by His Spirit and our covenants
  • The more compassionate, faithful, and selfless our service and sacrifice are in Him, the more we may begin to fathom Jesus Christ’s atoning compassion and grace for us
  • Primary children sing, “Love is spoken here.”
  • Three languages of gospel love are the language of warmth and reverence, the language of service and sacrifice, and the language of covenant belonging.
  • Let us always speak with warm and reverent gratitude for God’s work and glory and the mercy, merits and grace of Jesus Christ and His atoning sacrifice.
  • In gathering each week, Latter-day Saints can express their sacramental covenant commitment — and draw closer — to Jesus Christ and each other through Church callings, fellowship, sociality and service.
  • The more compassionate, faithful, and selfless our service and sacrifice are in Him, the more we may begin to fathom Jesus Christ’s atoning compassion and grace for us.
  • Jesus Christ offers a better way: relationships founded on divine covenant, stronger than the cords of death. “Covenant belonging with God and each other can heal and sanctify our most cherished relationships
  • So, where and how does Jesus Christ speak to you in love? 
    • Where and how do you hear His love spoken here?
  • “May we each learn to speak and hear His love here, in our hearts and homes, and in our gospel callings, activities, ministering and service.”
  • Where and how does Jesus Christ speak to you in love? 
    • Where and how do you hear His love spoken here?
  • Covenant belonging with God and each other can heal and sanctify our most cherished relationships.
  • May we each learn to speak and hear His love here, in our hearts and homes, and in our gospel callings, activities, ministering and service.

Talk: Elder Christophe G. Giraud-Carrier – General Authority 70

We Are His Children

  • As Nephi and his brother Jacob declared: “he inviteth them all to come unto him…black and white, bond and free, male and female; and he remembereth the heathen; and all are alike unto God.
  • In every case, the Lord saw these individuals for who they were, and accordingly ministered to each one
  • May we likewise not let our eyes, our ears, or our fears mislead us, but open our hearts and minds and minister freely to others as the Savior did
  • The adversary rejoices in labels
  • When Jesus sees you, what does he see? 
    • The Lord sees individuals for who they are and invites them all to come into him — each is precious in his sight. 
  • French is not who I am, it is where I was born. 
  • First and foremost, I am a child of God. 
    • We have the same divine origin
  • I have come to realize that the gospel of Jesus Christ is the great equalizer
  • Covenant Belonging.   What a wonderful concept. 
  • How we treat each other really matters. 
  • President Nelson has asked us to interact with each in a higher and holier way. 
  • From Samuel to Annanias, to the scribes and Pharisees of Christ’s day, the scriptures are full of examples of people passing judgment based on appearance and assumptions. 
    • But the Lord saw these judged people in a better way.
  • “In every case, the Lord saw these individuals for who they were, and accordingly ministered to each one.”
  • To follow Christ’s example, “May we likewise not let our eyes, our ears or our fears mislead us, but open our hearts and minds, and minister freely to those around us as He did.”
  • Though raised in different circumstances and cultures, “we have the same divine origin and the same limitless potential through the grace of Jesus Christ.”
  • The gospel of Jesus Christ “is the great equalizer.” 
    • When truly embraced, one comes to know that each person is a child of God.
  • Church members “belong to a group of people who all try to place the Savior and their covenants at the center of their lives and to live the gospel joyfully. 
    • Hence, rather than seeing each other through the distorted lens of mortality, the gospel raises our sights and allows us to see each other through the flawless unchanging lens of our sacred covenants.”
  • May we … not let our eyes, our ears or our fears mislead us, but open our hearts and minds, and minister freely to those around us as He did.
  • We have the same divine origin and the same limitless potential through the grace of Jesus Christ.
  • We belong to a group of people who all try to place the Savior and their covenants at the center of their lives and to live the gospel joyfully.

Hymn: Consider the Lilies

[They should pick more energetic hymns for the Sunday afternoon session]

Talk: Russell M. Nelson, President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Think Celestial

Did he record it in the Conference Center?

  • What have I learned in nearly 100 years?
  • 1 of the most crucial lessons learned. 
  • Heavenly Father’s plan for us is fabulous
  • The Savior’s atonement makes it possible. 
  • My injury has caused me to reflect on the greatness of the Savior and the infinite atonement.
  • Eat, drink and be merry is one of the most absurd lies in the universe  
  • Thinking Celestial – 
      • Be Spiritually minded
        • Is life eternal 
    • Heavenly Father’s plan for us is fabulous.
    • Mortality is a master class in learning to choose the things of greatest eternal import.
      • Far too many people live as though this life is all there is.
    • Begin with the end in mind
      • Making the Celestial Kingdom the goal in mind.  
      • Make decisions accordingly.  
    • S.M.I.L.E. 
      • Spiritually minded is life eternal. 
    • Here is the great news of God’s plan
      • The very things that will make your mortal life the best it can be are exactly the same things that will make your life throughout all eternity the best it can be
    •  Put Jesus Christ first.
    • Think Celestial!
      • A profound reminder that by keeping our thoughts aligned with God’s plan, we gain perspective and a sense of control. 
      • This divine connection empowers us, making our journey through life more meaningful.
    • If we unwisely choose to live telestial laws now, we will have a telestial body.   
    • The things that will make your mortal life the best that it can be are the very things that will make your life in eternity the very best that it can be.
  • We should be spiritually minded and choose the things of greatest eternal import. 
    • When you make choices, I invite you to take the long view—an eternal view. 
      • Put Jesus Christ first, because your eternal life is dependent upon your faith in Him and in His Atonement
    • As you think celestially: Your heart will gradually change. 
    • Don’t let your prayer sound like a shopping list
    • Expect opposition 
    • When making choices, I invite you to take the long view, the eternal view
    • Obedience paves the way for peace today and grand, eternal joy tomorrow
    • I invite you to adopt the practice of thinking Celestial. That is thinking spiritually… begin with the end in mind
    • Please don’t let your prayers sound like a shopping list. 
      • The Lord’s perspective transcends your mortal wisdom. 
      • His response to your prayers may surprise you and will help you to think celestial
    • Our prayers can and should be living discussions with our Heavenly Father. 
    • Your obsession becomes your god. 
      • Don’t let it rob you of following God’s commands
    • Few things will complicate your life more quickly than breaking the law of the Law of Chastity. 
      • Public opinion is not the arbiter of truth
      • The Lord has determined that no unchaste person will inherit the celestial kingdom
    • When you think celestial, you will view trials and opposition with new light. 
    • There is no end to the adversary’s deceptions. 
      • Please be prepared. 
      • Never take counsel from those who do not believe.
    • As we think celestial, our faith will increase
    • We need to do the spiritual work to increase our capacity to receive personal revelation
      • The temple is a place to receive revelation. 
      • It helps you to Think Celestial.
    • Paying tithing is all about faith, not about money. 
    • Spending more time in the temple builds faith. 
    • The temple is a place of revelation. 
    • Paying tithing requires faith and it also builds faith in God and His Son Jesus Christ. 
      • Choosing to live a virtuous life in a sexualized, politicized world builds faith. 
      • Spending more time in the temple builds faith
    • When you make decisions regarding morality, please think celestial. 
      • And if you have been unchaste, I plead with you to repent. 
      • Come unto Christ and receive His promise of complete forgiveness as you fully repent of your sins.
    • For those who have made covenants with God, immorality is one of the quickest ways to lose your testimony
    • Savai’i, Samoa
    • Kahului, Hawaii
    • Fairbanks, Alaska
    • Vancouver, Washington
    • Colorado Springs, Colorado
    • Tulsa, Oklahoma
    • Roanoke, Virginia
    • Cancún, Mexico
    • Piura, Peru
    • Huancayo, Peru
    • Viña del Mar, Chile
    • Goiãnia, Brazil
    • João Pessoa, Brazil
    • Cape Coast, Ghana
    • Calabar, Nigeria
    • Luanda, Angola
    • Mbuji-Mayi, Democratic Republic of the Congo
    • Laoag, Philippines
    • Osaka, Japan
    • Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
  • One lesson from a century of living is that “Heavenly Father’s plan for us is fabulous, that what we do in this life really matters, and that the Savior’s Atonement is what makes our Father’s plan possible.”
  • An understanding of God’s plan takes the mystery out of life and the uncertainty out of the future. 
    • It allows each of us to choose how we will live here on earth and where we will live forever.
  • Mortality is a master class in learning to choose the things of greatest eternal importance.
  • I invite you to adopt the practice of ‘thinking celestial.’ 
    • Thinking celestial means being spiritually minded.
  • Thinking celestial will change one’s heart and lead to praying more sincerely. 
    • As you think celestial, you will view trials and opposition in a new light.
  • When you make choices, I invite you to take the long view — an eternal view.
  • Put Jesus Christ first, because eternal life is dependent on faith in Him and His Atonement. 
  • The deceptions from the adversary will not end. 
    • Seek guidance from trusted voices.
  • Please do the spiritual work to increase your capacity to receive personal revelation.
  • Thinking celestial will help build faith, as does living a virtuous life and spending time in the temple.
  • The very things that will make your mortal life the best it can be are exactly the same things that will make your life throughout all eternity the best it can be! 
  • When you are confronted with a dilemma, think celestial.  
    • When tested by temptation, think celestial.
    • As you recover from an accident or injury, as I am doing now, think celestial.
  • When you make choices, I invite you to take the long view — an eternal view.  


Hymn: Teach Me to Walk in the Light

Benediction: Kristin M. Yee – 2nd Counselor Relief Society General Presidency


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