Church-Hack “Christ-Centered Testimony Meetings” by MLH


The popular LDS blog “By Common Consent” featured a church-hack by me! If you haven’t reviewed the excellent “Church-Hacker” series of articles there, check out my submission, and then read through past ones. Here’s the brief version:

Testimony meetings that are about anything but testimonies seem to be a common problem.

[to help fix this] print a nice picture of Christ (here’s one that’s high-res enough for printing), and then beneath it, print these 3 steps in a very large, plain font:

  1. Tell us your name.
  2. Tell us a little about yourself.
  3. Tell us how you feel about the man in the red robe.

Read the full post here, for more details and to participate in the lengthy discussion. And don’t miss my comment, which includes some clarification, that was apparently needed. I’m super excited about this. Gratitude to Kyle M. for featuring it!

  1. Thanks Deila! It wasn't so loved at By Common Consent. But I knew some people would appreciate it. Hopefully some implement it, and it does some good.

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